dilemmatastic situation

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by JABBAWOCKEEZ, Nov 19, 2007.



    um yea
    this might sound like a movie, but
    a really close friend of mine (girl) liked this guy for while a long time ago
    but he didnt like her back.
    when he finally did though, she had gotten over him.
    recently that same type of situation happened to her again
    she liked some guy, he didnt like her back
    and now he likes her, but she had already gotten over him.
    this is where its starting to get weird.
    for the third time now, my friend started liking a guy. this guy is really cool though
    because its me lmao
    but she never told me... i had noooo idea.
    n i started to fall for her too. the thing is, according to her friend, shes trying to get over me.
    right now, i have exams and such until thursday
    so the next time i can possibly see her is thursday
    im planning on asking her out, but hopefully she wont totally get over me by then. -lol of course not
    if anyone thinks its a bad idea for me to do this, reply quick because after thursday, theres no going back in time lol. i wish i was hiro nakamura though.
  2. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    why would it be a bad idea lol, sounds like a great idea to me
  3. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    third time lucky~ -clapclap

    hurry up n finish ur exams already!!! lol
    u could always see her b4 exam =D
  4. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    If you both have "feel" for each other, why not?
  5. skid

    skid Well-Known Member

    lol i don't see the dilenma
    just go for it
  6. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    =)....i cant see it either wo...
    hmmm...is this girl sounds insecure or something....
    like someone and then get over... like someone and then get over... like someone and then get over...

    anyway....goodluck with asking her out!
    not that u need it cuz u say she likes u already so u should be fine hehe
  7. xdly

    xdly Well-Known Member

    i got the same problem... and for me it was just wrong timing... but it sounds like this time isn't wrong timing at all for you :p
  8. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    i DO see this as a problem

    when she gets over these guys, is it easily?

    cause they could be crushes everytime
    and i dont trust just crushes

    those just lead to the several month relationships that just go nowhere
  9. chookie

    chookie Active Member

    i think its such a wonderful idea.
    and if its possble, do it earlier, so the chance is smaller of her over you


    LOL i dunnoooo