Divas in Distress - 巴不得媽媽

Discussion in 'Chinese Drama Discussion' started by kevin, Aug 27, 2012.

  1. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    This drama is quite good, haven't seen Chin Ka Lok on TVB drama for long. The last one I remember was in Game of Deceit (the one with Nick Cheung).

    Is this drama written by Wong Cho Lam? Quite a lot of sex jokes in this like the bit when the condensed milk was leaking off the toast (referring to her bewbs) and using a c0nd0m to cover the camcorder so that it doesn't get wet.

    The new female cast is good looking too :whistling:

    edit: After some brief research, found out that it wasn't written by Wong Cho Lam, instead it is by written by Chan Kam-ling and produced by Poon Ka-tak

    source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divas_in_Distress

  2. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    hehehe i was about to make a thread too...*hi5*

    i thought it was pretty good : )

    last series i saw chin ka lok was 'bride for a ride' 王老虎搶親 and that was a few years ago too...
  3. kevin

    kevin RAWR!


    Game of Deceit was in 1999 LOL, I found out that Chin Siu-ho is Chin Kar Lok's older brother (by 2 years), omg! That's big news, I was always wondering why they look so similar hahah.
  4. pOtentiaLeaver

    pOtentiaLeaver Well-Known Member

    chin ga lok was in that wedding drama last year lol
  5. snakekilla12

    snakekilla12 Well-Known Member

    my future wife is in this drama
  6. more like a cameo but yea he was in 'Only You' series
  7. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    wow....i remember there were a lot of haters for the miss international when she was in ghetto justice.....i'm like the only one that actually liked her in GJ....
  8. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    wow...just done a search and Eliza Sam is in GJ2. I can't remember her role (it doesn't say on Wikipedia). Anyone want to shed some light...like YOU turbobenx (since you do admire her in GJ...)
  9. small role..all i remember is shes the girlfriend of the sick guy lol

    in this series shes in the first ep... big role for her.
  10. snakekilla12

    snakekilla12 Well-Known Member

    she was the 3rd party when that lawyer wanted a divorce from his husband

    just finished ep 1 eliza's acting sucks so bad but she is good to look at i'm in love
  11. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    lol, yea, shino is right.....she's the "3rd" party of patrick dunn (the sick dude that wanted his son's blood so he can live)....

    I remember pplz kept saying christine and her should just stop acting because their acting and canto sucks....

    ......and proof? Just read snakekilla's post.....lmao....
  12. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Yeah big role, funny how her voice cracks when she screams (when Chin Kar Lok walks away when his motorbike got petrol'ed.)

    Thanks for the info. Rings a bell now.

    Thanks, found the specific episode, and it is EP7. There's not much info about her on Google, no Wikipedia page too.
  13. [video=youtube;QB5dSY6xlKM]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QB5dSY6xlKM[/video]
    for those "miss international" stalkers..she was in this LF MV:shifty:
  14. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    It had to be Shinobi (big LF fan) to be sharing this. Thanks though, Eliza needs more promoting =)
  15. wal

    wal Well-Known Member

    i hate any shows with liza wang in it so i skipped/am skipping this one... hope a good show comes after king maker so i don't have to watch this stuff.
  16. Espresso

    Espresso Well-Known Member

    Just started. I caught glimpse of that girl reporter with the big eyes. She's pretty. LOLZ I forgot her name. She was in the other one. She looks like MAGGIE CHEURNG. I found her name is Eliza Sam. She's SO CUTE..

    Also, JUNG GING FAI (the old bald) guy is back!
    #16 Espresso, Aug 30, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2012
  17. Eliza girl getting so much screen time...

    the series is so so for me right now but nothing else to watch will stick with it.
  18. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Just realised in today's episode 4 that the company Chin Ka Lok and Eliza is working at, LCD, has the same colour theme as TVB haha

    Yup, I'm happy with that though, give her a chance to shine. Her Cantonese/accent is better than that of Christine =D
  19. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Her cantonese is better than Christine. Haha, but imo Christine is more pretty.

    This is her first big role.. and i didn't even know she was the 3rd party of the sick guy in GJ2.

    Even though she still has a noticeable accent, her canto is better than Christine. Keep it up, might be the next big thing too. (Where's Grace?!?!)
  20. her crying in todays ep was good... very believable! ...her accent doesn't bother me as much...with more experience she will be better with cantonese...she already many miles better than Christine :yes:

    she'll be in TITS2 :shifty:
    #20 shinobi, Aug 30, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2012