Dj Supergluey

Discussion in 'Site Info, Rules, Feedback, and Announcements' started by Supergluey, Feb 21, 2008.

  1. Supergluey

    Supergluey Member

    i don' t know where else to put this, and since not everybody is using the shout box or able to see the message i posted on there. i'll put a post here also. Don't know if shinobi/ang should make this a sticky or not but anyways.

    Thanks for those that help listen to me Djing yesturday, I was very nervous, but in the end it turned out to be pretty cool , hopefully i t will only get better and not worst. i didn't finish the playlist, but i am going to try hosting the playlist i have now , and keep updating as i go along, so hopefully u guys can start requesting, cause it isnt' just me , its your radio also. Anyways so today, february 21st, 2008 or 22nd depending on where u live. i'll be Djoing again, talking,l taking requests and giving shoutouts. :jump: The time will be 5pm PST/ 8 pm EST and 1am GMT so hopefully i can get the GMT users to listen in rather than missing it yesterday.

    Thanks again!! -whistle
  2. jono281

    jono281 Well-Known Member

    i havent seen u for ages gluey