Do you guys get put off if a girl is TOO WEAK, like she can't make decisions and always rely on others. Today is the modern world and i believe both men & women should beable to decide for themselves and know when is the time to be strong. I believe it is ok to be soft & nice but it is not ok to be weak. Cause I KNOW that females do not want a bf who can't decide for himself and always agree to everything. I believe it is the same with guys too if their gf only agrees and can't make decisions.
I don't think little decisions should matter as long as they can make the important decisions ...I'm not good at making decisions either...but the big decisions you're gonna put thought into and those are the important ones... Unless you're talking about not being able to make any decisions at all ...
It's cool to be indecisive but the person should at least try to help arrive at a decision. One important thing is the opposite sex should not be intimidated or feel less confident when they compare themselves with their counterpart. >.<
Weak, erm.. as far as indecisive goes, male or female, it can be annoying. Physically on the other hand, it's can be almost repulsive. Like say you were moving and she only carries the pillows and just stands there and looks at the couch like, "umm what now!?." Like, god forbid you flex a muscle.. I mean, I know there are limits but if I think a girl can do something herself I would expect that she would and not have to rely on a guy.
women should be able to make her own decisions, big or small. nowadays, women have to be strong. i guess sometimes we pretend to be weak and let the guys make the decisions, but being strong and independent all the time is a turn off. it's like you don't trust anyone.
women can never make decisions if they r given too many choices... if u want her to make a decision do not give her more than 3 options!!!
there are always decisions which are difficult to make but as long as the important decisions are made promptly, i think it should be ok. and i think its cute when the male takes the upper hand and helps the girl come to conclusions... well, thats my personal opinion anyways. but i do understand with the whole weak concept because i think in a relationship, it will just get really annoying if the partner just goes along with everything even if it is obvious that the decision made wasn't their first choice.
It seems you get put off by girls that can't make decisions and that's fine. Don't date girls that can't make decisions. What's worse then girls that can't make up their mind? The ones that don't like your decisions. Me: what do you want to go eat at? GF: I don't know. Me: want to try the new greek place or that new sushi place? GF: I don't care. Me: okay, let's try the greek place then. GF: no I don't feel like eatting greek. Me: sushi then? GF: I had that for lunch. Me: throwing out more places.-angry At the end we just went to the chinese place across the street from our apartment.
Hmm.. wat a topic... I am currently attached to a gal which is indecisive to no matter what she do... It is kinda tiring that you have to THINK for 2 PERSON..... It would be much ... MUCH better if she is more independent ...
its not that ppl can't decide..its jus that they're not sure about decisions or they just go with the flow
i guess those who aren't weak must know when to be independent and when to be weak and depend on their BFs... as for those who are weak, i guess it will be quite an imposing factor on the BF in the long run... lol eg. do you want to have a baby? dunno...
it all depends on the couple. if the weak is willing to accept wat the strong wants, den it works out. if both are strong den dere will be times wen dey just wont agree. they just have to be able to compromise and make a decision or we will never find a place to eat dinnner.
I want to feel like I'm needed but I also don't want a girl that won't leave me alone for one second. I think the best is someone who clearly loves you but would have no problem being independent and letting you hang out with your friends sometimes.