This week is the July 4th independance day holiday in the USA and the holiday fell right on a wendesday, in the middle of the work week so it seems that my company's work load kinda fell off the radar to almost nothing cause we are a consulting firm, lots of our clients just took time off in the beginning 2 day of the week, or the end 2 days off of the week. Even people in my company just took some time off. so works kinda slow the the point, that my boss told half of the rest of the employees if you want to take friday off too, just to go do it. although i get such a sweet deal, i know my other friend is working like crazy because of one missed day for the holiday, that she gets bombarded with 5 days of work to be completed withing 4 days
Yeah it does! Near the summer holiday we get less and less projects and they have to call off the newbies and last Tuesday we were like with only 10 people working and everyone could leave after about 2 and a half hours, if you wanted to leave.