I know , I know, I had a post before titled Like or Love, That girl I realized it's just infatuation. Now with this one girl, I know her for like 5 years, there are times I like her, sometime no, sometime I totally ignore, sometime i notice. There are many nice things about her, but there are very negative stuffs that totally turn me off, and I actually told myself one time that there is no way I will ever find interest in her. But recently, this year, morning and night, everytime i'm happy or sad, I want to see her, sometimes i'm comfortable with her but sometime it's just irritating, but after and after all those stuff, I find myself missing her again and again. -dead
I think that when you're really, really in love you won't notice any bad things in the girl at all. (at least at first) Maybe you should meet more girls -just as friends- till you meet the 'right' one, someone with whom you can easily talk to, trust etc. and certainly don't find her irritating any time.
I don't really think you love her because you know her for 5 years and you still find her irritating sometimes and all that, your still just treating her as a normal friend
Love is when you see both the positive and negative things in a girl and still willing to accept her.
Hmmm....is she in love with u? maybe its because shes in love with u and u know that shes into u and will give u a bit of extra attention thats why u wanna go to her for comfort cuz u know ur gonna get it....
Coz the concept of love is different to everyone, there's no set definition of love... what do you expect? Just pick the answer which u feel the most comfortable with or go with your own instinct.
i think you should punch yourself in the balls once if you like her dig your nose if you dont like her get it?
no I don't get anything, I guess it's all up to me, doesn't matter now , i still have to worry about school.
i think you are comfortable with her, thus you seek/think about her when you are at these highs and lows in your life, nothing tells me you are "in love" with her