Nothing new about this. They have been doing it with whales and sea elephants... Sometimes, it makes me wonder if we should not call ourselves beasts rather than humans.
I dont think the size matters. Its the perversion of humans to massacre anything that can generate bigger profits. Say for example, fishing. We can agree that it is small but yet, they play an important role in our ecosystem such as maintaining the proper functioning of our food supply chain hierarchy. When a given species is wiped out, what happens to the lower and higher up preys and predators? Those are equally disturbed which eventually poses an important issue to humans. Humans should really learn moderation instead of always thinking about money making.
^ true.. they shouldnt be eating dogs and cats either :(, yeah they shouldnt go craze and killing 1 whole race away :(
someone wanna tell me why theyre killing so many dolphins? i heard dolphins protect humans from sharks
^ Watching your video makes me angry as hell. If i could, ill bash every single one of their brains for unnecessary cruelty. Animals deserve to be respected. Freaking bastards. -dead
me and u both...i have seen some nasty crap in my life...and dont want add another one in my memory...:(
It is hard to believe that the civilized countries are doing all this cruel work.I hate the killing of the whales on such a large scale.
OMG...what the heck is wrong with these people?!! Brutes! Those poor animals were skinned alive! Shocking! Did you see how that racoon or watever it was struggle and blink when those people were done skinning them? Wow...I felt like I got stabbed in the heart or something! Somebody STOP them!!!
I would say this makes me sick, but that would make me sorta of a hypocrite. Even though I don't eat dolphin or whale meat. I'm sure the other food I eat may not be less brutal than this. We can never stop the killing of animals, to do so would probably cause the biggest crisis of mankind. But we should at least attempt to control the amount of killing we do. Its natural for us to kill for food, but not when we take more than we must and cause massive massacres like this.
^ Yeah, I agree. Killing for necessity is different from killing for the fun of it. Did you hear the laughter in the background of those videos? That was what really pissed me off. It's really ironic when you think about it. We eat beef and chicken and other forms of meat, and I'm sure you'll need to kill the animals someway or another before you get to feast on them, but it doesn't come with that feeling of rage. It feels...almost natural to carnivores like me. Maybe they do it in a more humane manner. But I suppose to the animal right supporters or vegetarians, we're just as brutal.
OMG.....that....was...scary....i watched the racoon and stopped when they got to the white wolf, i cudnt do it...... the guy was FREAKING tugging on the rest of the fur trying to PULL it off! OMG!! THAT WAS SO DAMN...AHHHH! i handled the dolhpines but this i cudnt do it..... at the end of the racoon i was like .....*pale as a ghost* The dolphins, why is there such a mass killing of them?