DoTA builds~

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by Wasabi86, Oct 7, 2008.

  1. Wasabi86

    Wasabi86 Well-Known Member

    OK... i know is kinda late to start playing DoTA.. but ive been bored and started playing it...
    can anyone suggests some builds for Slayer Lina and the Twin headed dragon??
    i needa stop getting owned and lag in leveling... -dead
  2. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    that wat happened ot me..i quit after 4 complicated u gota learn so much about wat to buy and hard to play
  3. Qui-angel

    Qui-angel Well-Known Member

    For jakiro (Twin headed dragon)
    I get Ror,2x branches,tango this is before you leave the fountain
    then end up with a meka

    Late game i usally have Bot first or shivas and if the game really takes that long ill get a guinsoo and i think its a bkb that has anti stun ( if they got alot of stunners get that early) but usally if you all know what your doing you shouldve finisihed long time ago.

    Skill build wise i usally leave the ulti till last like after stats and everything but sometimes it changes depending on the situation

    I get 4x tangos 2 x circlets
    arcane ring (also like sheepstick for the extra disable just depends what i feel when im playing) Boots of speed
    maybe turn the circlets into bracers
    dagger is quite nice to surprise the enemy
    ill be aiming for aggy scepter by mid -end game for me the game usally ends by the time i get this far

    O and skill build
    Light strike array
    dragon slave X2
    Light strike arrow
    ult (laguna blade ?)
    light strike arrow x2
    stats to 15
    then get the skill ultimate

    Not really a good read but hope it helps =]
  4. exactly why i don't play LOL watching it is already confusing.....

    and lagging is probably your internet connection speed or your graphics card....
  5. Wasabi86

    Wasabi86 Well-Known Member

    thankz Qui-angel~
    kinda helps.. i'll give it a go next time i use those characters..
    i was playing a few hours ago... only a game coz friend nagged me... and used Lich... and omg i actually killed more than 3 heros in a game!!! my Kill count was 6!! WHEEEYYY!! funny thing was i had no idea wat was happening and probably KSed lolz~
    but gotta agree with kdotc and AkkiOnimusha... it aint a easy game and it hurts my eyes and head >.<
  6. Qui-angel

    Qui-angel Well-Known Member

    Its like all other games pick it up after a week =] on public i could pobably get 16-0 most games lol depending if there any good
  7. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    just play random and get pwned =)
    and then u learn wat not to do next time hehehe
  8. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    angel's Jakiro is fine...

    Lina on the other hand has no build... the problem with Lina is she's a poor man's Lion and lacks an identity... she can't out disable most disable heroes and lacks the dmg of Lich/Jakiro... ur best bet would be bots/shiva/skadi, dagger's an interesting item but since u essentially can't blink out nemore it's almost pointless... u'll play battle lina and get ult only from lvl17+... ur early items will depend on who ur partner hero is and which lane... if u have a tank on ur lane who isn't stupid u can probably get away with no bracers and rely soley on regen items... if ur in mid, make a personal judgement on whether or not u are good enuff to survive from a missed call....
  9. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    lets have a nooob match then lol me akki and wasabi vs qui-angel
  10. winbee

    winbee Member

    THe below links has a good guide for every dota heroes in game.. wtih stat and item build strategy. just need to register and u are able too see.
  11. Qui-angel

    Qui-angel Well-Known Member

    I stopped playing dota but i could give it a shot =]
    Yea dagger is pretty useless after the update but i still like it sometimes so i can just blink in and stun
  12. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    it's still a fairly good item if ur someone like earthshaker/centaur/levi who can just bust out aoe dmg/stun and can survive while doing it haha
  13. Qui-angel

    Qui-angel Well-Known Member

    Usally lina can kill of alot of pubbys without dieing =p
    personally i try to solo to level 6 then start picking of people
  14. tonyy-hk

    tonyy-hk Member

    lina...general easy build is
    2x Tangos
    1x Clarity potion
    2x Circlets
    1x branch

    these are the items you should look for(in order)
    keep 1 scroll of townportal with you all of the time if possible
    complete null talismans (2x)
    ultimate orb

    or (instead of getting ultimate orb first)
    ogre axe

    blink dagger

    if you got ogre axe, complete bkb here

    -sell branch
    mystic staff/voidstone
    void stone/mystic staff
    travels receip
    blades of attack
    crystalis receip
    ultimate orb
    ultiamte orb
    point booster (can get this one earlier if prefered)
    skadi receip

    by the time you get crystalis, the time should be around 40-50, so while you're trying to get skadi, the game has probably already ended, but if not, after skadi, complete buriza, get silence staff or mkb. BKB is another vital item against some matchups, but in public you should probably be able to manage without it...

    skill setup is
    light strike array (lsa)
    dragon slave (ds)
    laguna blade (lb)
    ultimate (u)
    +2 rest
  15. Wasabi86

    Wasabi86 Well-Known Member

    thankz everyone!! now i juz gotta rmember these and trial n error... oh and i juz tried another hero... Storm Spirit.. or somthin like that.. MAN HIS SHIT! lolz~

    3 vs 1 and i can still see this getting owned... unless we team up with disablers.. heheh~
  16. Ereos

    Ereos Well-Known Member

    slayer hmmm

    the way i do it is a headress + 2 x bracers
    as starter then boots ...
    if you're good at last hitting and killing then just head for guinsoo (starting with void stone then ulti orb then staff) right after then finish the mek then go for BoT, then agahims
    i never get time to go further

    i never use that increase attack speed ability so its stun + slave + laguna
    make sure you get stun aoe timing good

    as long you know when to make good management of when to get back, reactions for ganks.... you be fine

    as for jariko i kinda go for the same thing i need a guinsoo and mek the very least and 2x bracers for survival with BoT since jariko got that auto fire ability it makes farming easy