EA locks out multiplayer modes on Used Games

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by [N], May 11, 2010.

  1. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]


    Wow sucks to the ones who only trades in and buy used games. Luckily i rarely buy EA games or used games lol I think more people are definitely going to catch on to this as they say developers don't make money from used game sales. Good thing to come out of this? I hope EB Games/Gamestop dies lol.
  2. lmao.. i hope gamestop goes down aswell..

    damn i heard people talking about this.. i guess EA finally implemented it.. I think they're going to offer online for used games.. but then you'll have to pay extra...
  3. i never been America but i know about gamestop, close em down plx

    also i doubt this will make EA money, imo people will just avoid their games and hate them even more, and its known that EA can match M$ on greed.