Eason Boycotted by Ayumi Fans, Joey Stands Up for Him

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by Maverick, Apr 11, 2007.

  1. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    Eason Boycotted by Ayumi Fans, Joey Stands Up for Him


    Joey Yung will be collaborating with Grasshoppers to hold a mini concert in August. On stage, they will be performing dancing and singing. Joey disclosed her admiration for Edmund So Chi-Wai since a young age and is delighted to have a chance to perform with him on stage.

    When asked if she is worried that Grasshopper's dancing abilities would outshine hers, Joey answered that she has known all along that Grasshoppers were great dancers. Not only will Joey and Grasshoppers be competing in hot and sexiness, they will also be competing in singing other people’s songs.

    On the other hand, Eason Chan, who earlier accused Ayumi Hamasaki of lip syncing at her Hong Kong concert, has been boycotted by the Japanese diva's fans, who also filed complaints. When asked to comment on this incident, Joey expressed it is best to not say anything but she then lead on to say that Eason has always been a straight forward person. Joey believes that Eason did not really mean to accuse Ayumi Hamasaki and that it is quite possible that it was just a misunderstanding.

    Source: Takungpao
  2. tomatoman

    tomatoman Well-Known Member

    thats so lame......what kind of ayumi fans are those...their own idols lip sync oso dun know...zzzzzz..go accuse eason pula...known fact that a lot of jap singers will lpsync when they sing fast songs....Boa does it...ayumi does it...i remember they were doing it on stage on the first MTV ASIAN AWARDS......this is so stupid..zzzzzz
  3. dragonash_se7en

    dragonash_se7en Well-Known Member

    But why eason have to talk bout it... why he have to find his own trouble... dumb
  4. eason always views his opinions... and most of time its the truth and it hurts. he just stating if your a singer... you should sing not lip sync.....it will be an insult to ask eason chan to lipsync for a night :)
  5. erica

    erica Member

    Go eason!!-bigclap

    i think he did the right thing because he wouldn't state something for no reason! He must really hate singers lip syncing!! in Ayumis case her own concert!! thats just makes it even worst!:(

    These Ayumi fans are so stupid! it would probably not even make a difference whether they boycotted eason or not!<_<
  6. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Eason's known to cause huge controversies with his comments. Even though I know that J-stars may lip-sync (just like any number of non J-stars), I don't think it's appropriate to state it -- it's just bad for business.

    Not that I will stop buying Eason's CD for any retarded reason like this :p Unless, of course, if he insults Faye Wong. Now THAT's another story.
  7. movie

    movie Member

    bravo EASON...
    the fans pay nothing kust to hv a look of Ayumi....worthless...
  8. happi

    happi Member

    If Ayumi fans want to boycott, they need to consider they going down the "crazy Andy Lau fan" path, and get help soon. It is not serious enough to boycott his album, and by boycotting, it means what he said is true because no one can say "I believe Ayumi when she said she didn't lip-sync" which she didn't come out to say and her company was making excuses.
  9. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    even if they do boycott him, not like its gonna hurt him that much, im sure he still has enough fans