Hilary Tsui's father-in-law (Eason's father) was sentenced to 6 year in prison for corruption 3 years ago. There were reports that he was released early due to ill health. Recent reports said he applied for "Pre-release Employment Scheme" and was successful in his application. He is now serving the rest of his sentence in the community as well as working in the society. He was released from Stanley Prison last Friday (10th) so that he could re-unite with his family. Hilary was at a function the other night. Speaking about her father-in-law's release, she responded "Eason is very happy indeed, the family is trying to tone it down because of the paparazzi who are waiting downstairs outside our house everyday." Reporter asked if her father-in-law is in good health, she replied "I don't want to talk to much, he is OK at the moment."(Has he really got his freedom back now?) Hilary reacted quite sharply, she even raised her voice "Of course, sure he has". But Hilary stated that there are certain procedures need to be followed and the lawyer is dealing with it. "Eason says it is OK than it is OK. I don't know much about it. It is his father and he will know more about the details. I am too busy looking after my daughter." Source:MingPao Translator:dragon888@http//www.************