Eason was performing his 15th concert with an audience of 30,000 in an open football stadium in Tianjin the other night. That was one of the stadiums that was used for the Olympic football game. Eason is the first Hong Kong singer to host a concert there. It was very cold that night, the temperature was 3 degree below freezing. Eason was wearing very thing clothes and he had to be up 27 feet on stage, catching all the northerly wind. But he was so overwhelmed by the hospitality of the audience, he had forgotten about the freezing cold weather. He had to change his schedule because the audience requested him to sing more cantonese songs. When he started singing the cantonese song, amazingly the audience all sang along with him, and they all sang together. Source:MingPao/Oriental Daily(image) Translator:dragon888@http//www.************