An 81-year-old Chinese man has married a 58 year-old woman he met online, proving that love conquers all... well at least age. Wu Jieqin, a retired art professor who has spent time in an aged-care home, married Jiang Xiaohui, 23 years younger, in a very special ceremony. "The Internet doesn't belong to the young alone. There are no rules against old people seeking love online," said the professor, who has been using the internet since 1998. The bride's parents, aged 85 and 86, were not too happy about their daughter's choice for a husband at first because they felt he was too old. However, she won them over in the end. "His voice is very youthful. Not like an 80-year-old and he is very romantic," said Jiang of her new husband. The couple met last year after the lonely divorced professor placed an ad on a Chinese website. He knew he wanted a woman who was younger and was very picky. Over 50 women responded positively to his ad, which a student helped him write, and some were as far away as the US, Australia and the Ukraine! Wu met several of the women, but nothing clicked until he set sight on his new bride. Ain't love grand! Kudos to the happy couple. credit: weirdasianews
i dont think its patrick...!!! hes not doing a 30-y/o i think this is really cute.... it gives older ppl hope n shows them that its never too late.... happy for them
pft i didnt say it turns me on did i? do u know what fetish means or did u just wanted to use it to randomly? think about it... if u had an old n lonely grandfather.... i just think its so nice for them.... i cant imagine how lonely the old man mustve been so its good for him that he has found love
i think the relationship between Patrick is much worse =/ but its cute that the elderly couple found love online ^__^
When an older "normal" person marries a much younger "normal" person: Love conquers all. When an older celebrity marries one that's much younger: Scandal
i agreeee...!!!....and it find it ubbbbbber cute when you see por por's and kung kungs...walking together holding hands walking on the beach or something...they so 'yun oi' arrr...makes you all warm and fuzzzy inside.. yup yup....pretty much....thas how the society works i guess.... Plus its kinda like the isabella leong and her oldie bf...all over the news...
Actually, it's funny that you mentioned it. I didn't see your post earlier =X There's 2 comments I would like to add in regards to what you say. 1st comment: Often times, the elderly find it difficult to find and create new bonds with other people, primarily other elderly. This is true because they fear losing their bonds with their new companion. 2nd comment: It's retarded how people are jumping into the wrong conclusion about the man. Elderly people are humans too, they have emotions and feelings like the rest of us. The man in the article was looking for a companion, not a new hole to stick his wiener into.
yep, if so many young ppl can do it then why cant old ppl? i mean its probably quite hard for them to find someone.... so yea.... !
uke:uke:uke: Hmmm...he's as old as the woman's parents eh? Just feel like labeling him a pedo bear for that, but all of them are senior citizens...