Does anybody got the latest news on Electric cars? Or have an idea on how to make one, any idea at all no matter how small the idea, how crazy the idea, it does not matter and we can discuss and pool all the ideas to make a perfect Car. Ten brain is better than one. I think this is the time to look into Electric car seriously although a bit late, for the environment sake and future generations. Hope we can help create something to help the Mother Earth. Those in the market now still need to been perfected. And no harm to have another one.
I don't mean to be rude but where in the world do you live? Electric cars has gone commercial virtually most part of the world. Most of the electric cars are sold in the form of hybrid. Which means it runs half on electricilty and half petrol. You don't need to build your own electric car. It's not like something you can do yourself. Unless you have some engineering background. Honda is already selling their accord hybrid for some years now. There are also this full electric car called Tesla (google for it) that is as fast as ferrari.
actually i think there kits being sold that converts your currently owned car into all electric (batteries) but correct me if i am wrong, no too sure on this
electric cars...... heard that the their acceleration is insane for an electric generated car..... cause instead of our leaded petrol electronic car doesnt need to change gear so u can jus ram ur pedal and u will reach full speed in a shorter period of time....
the biggest problem with current electric cars, is the energy storage medium. Batteries are big and heavy and you dont get much range out of them, plus charging them can take a while thats why people have moved onto hydrogen fuel cells, but the probleml lie in the cost of the fuel cells and the availability of hydrogen filling stations