Ella Koon has numerous NG's while filming "Survivor's Law 2"

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by shinobi, Mar 13, 2007.

  1. [​IMG]
    Tuesday March 13, 2007 Hong Kong

    Ella Koon Yan Na has been filming "Survivor's Law 2" 《律政新人王Ⅱ》at TVB. Yesterday, Ella filmed a scene filled with legal jargon, causing her to suffer numerous NG's and worry about the upcoming long and difficult-to-remember courtroom dialogue. Ella joked and said that would qualify to become a legal consultant after filming "Survivor's Law 2."

    Despite previous experience in filming TV series, Ella still felt anxious. "When I filmed 'Revolving Doors of Vengeance,' I had only been in the industry for over 1 year, so I had no fears. After having more experience, there is [higher expectation] and stress. Luckily the producer has been patient with me."

    Since Ella and Kenneth Ma Kwok Ming play lovers in the series, they will have numerous scenes together. Ella indicated that they work well together, but was uncertain whether there will be any intimate scenes. Yesterday, Ella filmed a disagreement scene with Kenneth.
    Source: Singtao

    credits: Dramasian, asianfanatics.
  2. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    Survivor Law II with all different characters?
    What happened to Bernice, Myolie, Raymond, etc.?

    Btw, what's is an "NG"?
  3. tis me

    tis me Well-Known Member

    I don't know if they plan to explain what happened to Myolie and Raymond.. but apparently Bernice's character goes overseas and ends up getting married to someone else... Thus explaining why Sammul is alone and is paired with Selena Li.

    As for NG.. I'm not sure what it stands for but it's when the director calls "cut" cuz the actor/actress made a mistake (either with lines or whatever)..
  4. Giniro

    Giniro Well-Known Member

    I think they change all the cast, And NG means the actress or Actor keep on doing wrong thing in a screen and make everyone need retake that screen again and again. It is something bad waste of time and money.

    I still like the old cast.

  5. SUSIE-DANG-1988


    yehh heard theygonna make number 2 but with diff actors!
    aww... ella havin loads of NG's. :/
  6. mustlovecandy

    mustlovecandy Member

    i hope #2 is as good. usually they arent
  7. vinnya

    vinnya Well-Known Member

    hope the second one is as good as the first. Hopefully changing the cast would be better
  8. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    it should b ron instead of kenneth
  9. lollipop5738

    lollipop5738 Active Member

    the actors and actress in the sequel of SL2 doesn't seem to impress me though~~