Ella Koon attended a radio broadcast interview without wearing any makeup yesterday. Even not wearing any lipstick and just appeared with black sunglasses. She said "Recently I have been quite busy and didn't have enough time to put on makeup. My new album will be released soon. Very excited and nervous, I haven't been able to sleep for a week and needed a doctor to prescibe me with sleeping pills." Ella stressed that she will not take sleeping pills on a long term basis and is afraid of getting addicted. She has a friend who has been taking sleeping pills for many years, the more she took the higher the dosage. After she had taken them she would start saying things she would not normally reveal, the next day she would have no idea of what she said. "I call those pills "Truth sleeping pills" and repeatedly warned my doctor not to prescribe them to me."(Then getting your boyfriend to take them will be appropriate?) "A relationship cannot be built if you don't trust them and you cannot take pills randomly." Source: Oriental Daily Translated by: kingkongit27 @ asianunivese