aww man... there has to be a reason why she overdosed on sleeping pills... cause she doesnt freaking love him xD is this stupid? i dun think its stupid wo....some ppl are just weak n cant handle losing their loved ones so they do things like this...... u dunno what he feels inside n what dun think he stupiiiid stupid is when he takes a shot gun n runs around shooting ppl cuz his gf died....thats what i think is stupid n selfish
your so cold, can i chip some ice off your heart for my water? hahahaha jokes this is kind messed up, but i understand the sentiment
Man that morgue manager might be traumatised for life now too scared to continue working there think another body might begin to move
poor guy. maybe the guy feels guilty cause she killed herself and he thinks it's his fault. who knows. he must really love her to try to kill himself next to her body. he's not stupid, he just doesnt know how to cope with his lost.