dann says: whos fallenangel? Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: fallenangel is a girl from toronto kontradictions says: u want to find out michelle☆ says: haha whoa kontradictions says: are you free friday night? KT says: haha ~ d a n i e l ~ says: rofl michelle☆ says: fallenangel is a hot chick Alex says: well... chelly is angel... so who do u think fallenangel is? michelle☆ says: hahahah dann says: ?!?!? dann says: err i am free tomorrow =D kontradictions says: what time? michelle☆ says: LOL ΆҝҝĩØηιmџsңά says: lollll dann says: wait... Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: you guys can meet up at pacific mall ↳福建 Titian says: This convo is entertaining ↳福建 Titian says: Go on ΆҝҝĩØηιmџsңά says: LOOOOOL dann says: no one here is fucking with my head right? michelle☆ says: we’re serioius kontradictions says: what are you talking about? michelle☆ says: serious michelle☆ says: hahahha dann says: i have learned to not trust the internets kontradictions says: so is that a no? dann says: i would, if i had any proof that you are 18/f/oakland dann says: lol Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: hey, fallenangel, those pics you sent me of yourself are pretty hot michelle☆ says: lol ΆҝҝĩØηιmџsңά says: who is fallenangel? KT says: she is hawt Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: i like your eyes ~ d a n i e l ~ says: fear y not just tell her u want a private strip show michelle☆ says: hahaha michelle☆ says: dann fear’s gonna steal her Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: dude, i dont work my magic like that Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: gotta be slow and subtle dann says: not phil right? KT says: hell no kontradictions says: who? michelle☆ says: hellno dann says: yet again... phil wouldn't know oakland KT says: i'd kick him out Alex says: if phil was on here... i'd leave asap... ~ d a n i e l ~ says: phil would be hitting on kt kontradictions says: who's phil? dann says: ok she's not from PA? ↳福建 Titian says: No akkionimusha@hotmail.com says: phil the pedophile aka Gum Yiu Lo kontradictions says: not yet ~ d a n i e l ~ says: nah dann says: no? Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: she is a relative of KT's i think akkionimusha@hotmail.com says: LOL dann says: in oakland? Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: i dont know why KT didnt mention that dann says: wtf dann says: michelle is chinese dann says: she korean KT says: my cousins cousin kontradictions says: no, i met KT when i visited san francisco dann says: err dann says: kt is chinese kontradictions says: she told me about PA Alex says: kt is not chinese... KT says: i said cousins cousin! michelle☆ says: what are you talking about dann Alex says: we found that out today... michelle☆ says: haha kontradictions says: i wanted to meet some of you guys before i signed up ^^ Alex says: she's too tann to be chinese... akkionimusha@hotmail.com says: what?! KT you sent pics of your hawt cousin's counsin to fearless and not me?! dann says: what the hell am i talking about KT says: lol akkionimusha@hotmail.com says: lol michelle☆ says: haha dann says: ?!!??!?!?!?!??!? michelle☆ says: i’m korean? dann says: ok KT says: she is hawtttt dann says: pics or lies. akkionimusha@hotmail.com says: i want to seeeeee KT says: go ahead girl send pics nowww michelle☆ says: haha michelle☆ says: dann hella straight forward Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: fallen, dont send him pics Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: i dont want him to see you dann says: bullshit fearless michelle☆ says: haha if she wants to then she can send it dann says: she's near me more than she is you Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: w/e, im a baller michelle☆ says: lol michelle☆ says: hahahhahaha Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: i could fly out there any time michelle☆ says: wow michelle☆ says: since when were you a baller Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: you live in the ghetto without a phone Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: lol dann says: lol you funny shit KT says: i think you guys scared her away dann says: anyways KT says: i should get my other cousin to get msn too kontradictions says: hmm, sorry im still here Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: hey baby dann says: fallenangel, so you're not from PA eh kontradictions says: lol! dann says: come to pmall Erika <3 says: oh KT says: no Erika <3 says: haha my bad kontradictions says: sure ^^ what time? KT says: my cousin who's already on Pa dann says: lol you're serious aren't you... kontradictions says: of course ^^ Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: dont abandon me girl Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: you know im the one for you michelle☆ says: LOL ~ d a n i e l ~ says: LOL dann says: hahaha dann says: fearless is fucking desperate Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: more than you know ↳福建 Titian says: lol akkionimusha@hotmail.com says: looooool michelle☆ says: hahahah ~ d a n i e l ~ says: fear's true self is coming out michelle☆ says: LOL KT says: cause my cousins too hawt ↳福建 Titian says: This chat is awesome Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: dude, you cant see KT's DP Erika <3 says: DANN!! Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: but fallen angel is like that Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: but 10 times hotter ↳福建 Titian says: hahaha michelle☆ says: hahah KT says: LOL michelle☆ says: YOU’RE HELLA NICE dann says: i'm on meebo so i can't see shit KT says: what you tryna say akkionimusha@hotmail.com says: lol Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: lol im sry kt dann says: i should close my other convo, and use my real msn Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: maybe only like 2-3 times Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: you should man Erika <3 says: DANN! ~ d a n i e l ~ says: swap it around ~ d a n i e l ~ says: msn for this Erika <3 says: how old you? ~ d a n i e l ~ says: meebo for the other dann says: RE ADD ME WHEN I GO ON AGAIN Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: ok ↳福建 Titian says: ok Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: lets do it kontradictions says: hurry back ↳福建 Titian says: ya KT says: LOL ok Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: gogogo ~ d a n i e l ~ says: okie dokie ↳福建 Titian says: So what? You going or not? Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: your gonna miss out man Erika <3 says: lol dann has left the conversation. Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: HAHAHahAHAHAHAHA kontradictions says: AHHHHAHAHAHAHAHA ~ d a n i e l ~ says: damn k's like giving him the boot kontradictions says: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA ↳福建 Titian says: hahaha Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: i was laughing so hard at some partsssss ~ d a n i e l ~ says: ROFL kontradictions says: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA KT says: LMAOOOOOOOOO kontradictions says: LOL!! ↳福建 Titian says: lol kontradictions says: ROFL!! ↳福建 Titian says: ok KT says: AKKI BELIEVED IT TOO ↳福建 Titian says: now we plan KT says: ROFLROLF ~ d a n i e l ~ says: so ready for part 2 KT says: hes tellin me to add him KT says: SILENCEEEE fallenangel says: hi michelle☆ says: dude you dp! ↳福建 Titian says: LOL Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: dp dpdp i am so awesome. has been added to the conversation. KT says: dann why arent you talking fallenangel says: hmm? i am so awesome. says: err ↳福建 Titian says: Soooo i am so awesome. says: i am trying to look at dp's i am so awesome. says: wtf? kontra was in this all along? i am so awesome. says: OHH WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?! i am so awesome. says: FUCK YOU DICK FACE i am so awesome. says: LOLOLOLLL Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: LOL ↳福建 Titian says: hahahahaa Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: how did you figure it out? ↳福建 Titian says: lmao i am so awesome. says: OH FUCK YOU Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: hahahahahahaha michelle☆ says: HAHAHHAHA Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: we had you going so hard KT says: LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO fallenangel says: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ~ d a n i e l ~ says: ROFL but how michelle☆ says: do you have kontra’s msn? fallenangel says: hhahahahahaha KT says: HAHAHAHAHAHHAA fallenangel says: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ↳福建 Titian says: This was actually fucking hiarlious michelle☆ says: LOL i am so awesome. says: FUCK YOU KONTRA i am so awesome. says: HAHAHAHAHA ↳福建 Titian says: hilarious* KT says: ROFL michelle☆ says: hahahahhahaha fallenangel says: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ~ d a n i e l ~ says: ROFL Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: first time iv actually laughed out loud continuously on a MSN convo michelle☆ says: oh dann hahahhaha fallenangel says: LOL! fallenangel says: omg im DYING i am so awesome. says: oh my god ↳福建 Titian says: rofl KT says: LOL ~ d a n i e l ~ says: same ↳福建 Titian says: hahahaha KT says: i cant stop laughing KT says: HAHAHHA Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: you were so jealous of me dude Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: hahahahahaha michelle☆ says: LOL ~ d a n i e l ~ says: lol ↳福建 Titian says: hahahaha fallenangel says: hahahahaha i am so awesome. says: i should make a sig that says: "KONTRADICTIONS is a faggot" i am so awesome. says: i am so awesome. says: oh my god kontradictions says: hahahaha KT says: i was laughin so hard Erika <3 says: lol i am so awesome. says: no i scrolled over his name Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: lol that was pretty much epic ~ d a n i e l ~ says: but how did u find out kontradictions says: u can call me what u want, sweetie but we know the story behind it i am so awesome. says: and saw fallenangel michelle☆ says: hahhaha ↳福建 Titian says: hahaahaha ↳福建 Titian says: kontradictions says: hahaha KT says: LOL KT says: hahahaha ~ d a n i e l ~ says: LOL i am so awesome. says: oh fuck ↳福建 Titian says: gg dann michelle☆ says: llol omg Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: dann, your a homosexual now KT says: lmao Jay-dm ---> [IS NICE} - says: e-homosexual ↳福建 Titian says: hahahahaha KT says: this chat was so awesome ~ d a n i e l ~ says: someone post this convo on pa LOL