Has everyone seen ep 14 yet? If not, do not read on (spoiler ahead)... WTF is with the story in Canada??? Is it me or has the story got out of hand (and weird)? 1st bro and 3rd bro fighting? 1st bro slaps his sister-in-law? I mean, all episodes up until now, 1st bro was always rational and calm. But in this episode, he threw a fit that seems totally out of whack. At first, I thought "maybe the things are happening in 3rd bros dream" because of the camera movements and how it was transitioning seems really strange and inconsistent with the whole series to date. It had a dreamy effect... Anyway, that part just got really silly. -noclue Anyone feel the same?
i guess the big bro can't hold it anymore he mite feel that his 3rd bro don't deserve wat his sister in-law did to micheal. i think ep14 is very intense n interesting n its great dat the 3 bro kinda get back together!
Well... the sister in-law cheated with the 1st's brothers BIGGEST enemy (don't forget he also caused Kwok Wai to bankrupt). Anyone would be mad... duh.