Episode 32 SPOILER

Discussion in 'Heart of Greed II - 溏心風暴之家好月圓' started by ultim8camper, Sep 13, 2008.

  1. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    ahahaha did any one lol when they were playing that game ghost street .. and when theold guy took his wig off and said that ho ma is a ghost hahahahahahaha i was looling sooo much ahahahahahahah ...and :'( ah ka had a heart attack .. and hes bck with kate :mad:
  2. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    And they broke up again in the same episode, in case you missed it.

    How coincident is the friggin' ending to this episode? Kate just pops out of nowhere and sides with Michelle Yim? WTF?

    AND ain't it fuggin' bullshit that Michelle Yim's ex-husband is extensively helping her out because his dead wife told him to take good care of Michelle right before she died?! WTF? What kind of person tells his/her spouse to go take good care of his/her ex? Extremely retarded.

    At this point, Michelle's true nature is clearly known by every character, it baffles me that even though Jo-bao and the grandmother knows the Michelle is planning some evil shit, that divorce isn't even suggested. They discovered a ton of despicable shit committed by Michelle, yet they still go along with it.

    Lastly, "Ah yoon" (the kid with long hair) is being manipulated by Michelle, yet he doesn't report it to his father? He instead helps her LIE to Jo-bao about the prices of the stores? I would understand if he was blackmailed, but wtf?

    The end of the series is near and as always, TVB is getting sloppy.
  3. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    YH I AGREE the series is comming to an end and its getting sloppy .. and the scenes doenst seem right for sum reason ... hmm maybe its just me ...i dunno
  4. Azerz

    Azerz Member

    I can answer 2 of RSX's points but hes right MR isnt making much sense

    Kate is probably that new assistant that Michelle was talking to Ah Yuen about at the end of ep 32

    Ah Yuen is getting blackmailed to do stuff because he was involved in a hit and run accident in Thailand and he had drugs too
  5. xpheal

    xpheal Member

    yea agree it is getting slopy.. not to mention linda getting with bosco in 1 or 2 episode and then splitting again? At least give a few episode of time for this!

    anyway for you question on ah yun, i think he does not like her father that much anyway since he scolded him that he broke his family and force him to do so many things (like calling ah hung his mother)
  6. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    Well, I don't know if I would consider it to be blackmail. Michelle nor the ex threatened him with the hit-n-run incident ('ah yoon' did not know that anyone else knew about the incident). "Ah yoon" merely said that Michelle Yim was committing illegal practices by buying property through a personal friend and the ex just came out and mentioned that "ah yoon" also committed illegal acts. So I don't think anyone is blackmailing.

    @xpheal: I think he scolded his father saying that he forced him to do so many things was because Jo-bao was being a hypocrite. When "ah yoon" was little, Jo-bao would tell him to call Michelle Yim his mom and now, Jo-bao is making demands that "ah yoon" not call Michelle his mother. So I think it's just a matter of Jo-bao frustrating "ah yoon."
  7. Toilet

    Toilet Well-Known Member

    Didn't Michelle Yim's ex-husband threaten ah Yoon? He pulled out his phone and said "Your mum is doing illegal things, so go call the police, then afterwards I'll call Thailand and tell them everything you did." I would say that's blackmailing...
  8. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    Eh.. "if you tell on your mom, I'll tell on you" ain't blackmail in my books.

    Blackmail is "if you don't do this for your mom and I, I'll have you arrested for what you did."
  9. Toilet

    Toilet Well-Known Member


    Well true, its pretty close, cause ah Yoon was trying to get her to not buy the shops, but then her ex came in and started shouting at him, the motive being to get ah Yoon to sign the contract so that Michelle can buy the shops

    eh all will be explained in the next ep -tongue2