Discuss here. I wonder what's the relationship between Charmaine's mom and the Wa brothers. And maybe Charmaine might be related to Raymond??
charmaine's mom and the two older brothers had a love triangle when they were younger. I'm guessing the mom liked the oldest brother more. There is no way Charmaine and Raymond are related.. this is no korean drama.
from what i understood on picture from the main thread, talking about relation to each character. i think charmaine and raymond are brother and sister, same dad different mom
Meh, I can't read Chinese so I won't bother trying But after sleeping on it, it shouldn't be possible for Charmaine to be related to Raymond because Charmaine's dad was abusive and then left his family. But none of the Wa brothers are abusive or have an absence from their family (none that we know of). Episode 7 was good. It gave a lot of screen time to Charmaine and Raymond and how they interact together. Many funny times. Haha, and also the cellphone in the 90s were big but not as big as in the 80s
ok so on episode 8, when Raymond was drunk, that song he was singing. there's an english version right?! help me out, it's making me mad cause I can't figure it out!!!! thanks
Yeah, Raymond and Charmaine do make a great couple. They can be serious like in LWOLP and now they be both be silly but still have that chemistry between them.