Ever got hit by shit?

Discussion in 'Random / Offtopic' started by ItsRobertttt, May 14, 2007.

  1. ItsRobertttt

    ItsRobertttt Well-Known Member

    saw Akademik thread about shit and this happened to me recently so decided to make a thread about this certain smelly topic too...
    ever got hit by shit? where? and by what?
    my first time was just a few weeks ago i was running to my friends house and i ran under the train tracks and then outa no where i felt something hit my head >.> so then i look up and i see a bird there im like hell no i did not just get hit by shit on my head got to my friends house and found out it was bird shit -dead
    how luck was i huh?....
  2. not only does he have that thread... but he's all got this thread aswell....
  3. ch0ps7ix

    ch0ps7ix Well-Known Member


    never got shitted on but i was driving once and a fat ass bird dropping landed on my windshield....n like blinded my view for a minute......
  4. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    someone once told me it was goodluck to have a bird shit on you, but i always believed they said that to make that person feel better
  5. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    ^ o ive heard that before as well but now you mention it like that -_-2
  6. kaka*

    kaka* Well-Known Member

    ahh.. if that was really the case, then i'd rather not have the good luck haha
    i dont think i'd enjoy being shitted on... what kinda luck is that? ><
  7. i sat down, and i got bird shit on my knee... sick... it was in grade 3 lol
  8. goo wak jai

    goo wak jai Well-Known Member

    can't remember being hit by shit, just remember stepping on it lol.
  9. ch0ps7ix

    ch0ps7ix Well-Known Member

    hahah did it soak through your pants ???? :p
  10. ItsRobertttt

    ItsRobertttt Well-Known Member

    @dim8sum: ya i heard the same too so i was about to buy a lottery ticket just to test my luck
    @dann: it wasnt worse than mine >.<
  11. robsh

    robsh Well-Known Member

    well only had stepped on it
    i know my dad had
    i was walking with him one day
    and got bird shit right on middle of his head
  12. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    let see my getting hit by shit incidents...
    got hit by cow shit when I was in year 1, stupid cow shitted and then stepped on his own shit and then it flew into my left eye...
    then got hit by bird shit while sitting under a tree
    another one standing under a tree =="
    thats my getting hit by shit legacy
  13. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    lol i used to have hampsters and they used to shit in my hand all the time. kinda nasty
  14. ok i was biking in the middle of down town "wall street" at 2am and this bum was asleep on the sidewalk so i thought easy ill just go by him and as i got closer there was no way of me seeing IT and stopping in time becase i noticed a stench and to my suprise a piece of poop (chocolate ice cream cone style was next to his ass and i thought to myself "this cant be real it must be dog crap!" but to seal the deal there was a trail of pee stain that lead to him. I wanted to puke seriously but had no time to think about that because my bike wheels were going to freakin run over his crap! there was like a 1 foot margin to avoid so i had to quickly put down my feet and guide myself so that i didnt run over his crap while praying i didnt step on it either. Luckily i made it through! My conclusion

    = stupid ass bum got drunk thought it would be ok to take a dump on the street in the middle of downtown passed out while doin that and peed at the same time.

    how do i know hes a bum? cuz he look like one!

    anyways i hes not wake up in time for the 6 oclock work rush so i wonder how people will react when they see it and i feel sorry for any street cleaners around... thats freakin wall street in t dot where all the business people work, real busy street and you dont see poop u dont see trash on the floor its a clean place but this dude is going to give people a suprise! and spoil alot of peoples breakfast.
  15. silence

    silence Well-Known Member

    LMAO Im sorry but they should film this and show it every Christmas!

    I got shat on by a bird at SeaWorld...thats right we paid an assload of money to go on vacation and this little bastard sparrow poops on me a country away. Luckilly my hair is black and so was the shit...but it kinda put a damper on my day :(