Ever thought about it to study in Hong Kong?

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Jonnkie, May 29, 2008.

  1. Jonnkie

    Jonnkie Well-Known Member

    As the topic says did you ever thought about it to study a year in Hong Kong on a University?
    If not, did you hear any stories from other people about it?

    I mean how is it to study on a university in Hongkong?
    And which of the four or more universities is better to study on?
    What are the accomodations there nearby the universities?

    Thinking about to study a period in my 3rd year of economics in Hong Kong
    so wondering who have been there studying :)

    Anyway all your opinions please :)
  2. shw

    shw Well-Known Member

    Go Go Go

    hot girls!
  3. Jonnkie

    Jonnkie Well-Known Member

    Hahaha :p It could be ye (A)
  4. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    i;ve thought about it too but not just to HK but to Japan also..but just for a short time cos i dont think i can hande being away from home for that long...
  5. Jonnkie

    Jonnkie Well-Known Member

    Thats true being gone for to long isnt a real option for me too :p
    But well hong kong attracts me more then japan to be honest haha
  6. -Tisken-

    -Tisken- Well-Known Member

    compared to germany ,HK is very expensiv.... u need a lot of $$....
    but of course why not... i was thinking about that too...
  7. uryu

    uryu Well-Known Member

    better education in america tho O_O
  8. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    rele, i know if i was to study at uni in HK, its cheaper than studying at uni here in the UK i believe. but then again i reckon the teaching and degree wouldn't be as gd as the one i get from the UK.
  9. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    eh... that depends what field...
  10. Jonnkie

    Jonnkie Well-Known Member

    Ofcourse.. Uk and US are ""most of the time better""
    But to get in there.. there is a whole selection procedure and it really cost more then HK i guess...
    And HK isnt a study place yet on my university.. perhaps i can start with it :)
    I mean china is ""sort of the future"" xD

    And as i said.. i am not going after perfect colleges... :p
    More to get in touch with my mother culture, language and shit :D

    None of you know more about HK universities?
  11. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    a friend of mine is doing a summer at an HK university... he's white though lol that will make it interesting ;)
  12. shw

    shw Well-Known Member

  13. metzo

    metzo Well-Known Member

    wel...99% of the students in hk universities would be doing COMMERCE...the other 1% would be everything else!
  14. Jonnkie

    Jonnkie Well-Known Member

    Haha ye i heard the HKU is the nr1 university of HOng Kong..
    Although i bet to join HKU its difficult? Entrance exams?

    Also the student's life there is different i think... more hard study and competition then in the Netherlands? :p
  15. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    Studying in HK will be a big culture shock!
    You need to ask yourself what you are doing there?
    You go to HK really for studying or are there some hidden objectives as well ...
  16. Jonnkie

    Jonnkie Well-Known Member

    Well first of all i want to study abroad.
    Alot of locations where i can which are connected to my university..
    There are some nice places like portugal and danmark.. these two are pretty good universities for my study economics.
    Also USA attracts me. But its hard to get in there. Same for the UK universities.
    And cause my parents are from Hong Kong and i got some family there... Hong Kong attracts me more..
    Besides China is the ""future"". Other reasons are improving my cantonese, get in touch with my ""mother"" culture and ofcourse i want to learn more chinese people.

    In short: improving cantonese, get more in touch with my parents culture, want to know more chinese people are the reasons why i want to go study in Hong Kong. Besides the universities there arent that bad atleast what i heard from people.

    And what do you mean with culture shock? :p Any implications? I mean my parents are from HK and in Holland they let me know their own "'culture" Ofcourse i am used to dutch culture but stil :)
  17. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    HK English is a shock.
    And be prepared to not going Dutch -devil
  18. metzo

    metzo Well-Known Member

    never did uni in hk, but yeah HKUis prolly the best and for sure the hardest to get in =|
  19. Jonnkie

    Jonnkie Well-Known Member

    Haha HK English is the shock (A)
    best and hardest to get in pff hmmm :p
  20. Jonnkie

    Jonnkie Well-Known Member

    Well the problem is... my current university dont got any relations with any hong kong universities! So it's also hard to get it done... but i am trying to fix it now... Hopefully they want to fix it.
    So 12000 cdn is like 10000 euro or? :p
    Pretty expensive :p But still first my university needs to get in contact with them and then its easier to organize haha