hey sorry for double posting but also anyone out there is really into working out? or like exercising? any tips for me? because during high school i worked out with this friend of mine he works out monday through friday for 3 hours a day and i didnt seem to grow or anything my body was hurting. so body builders or whoever loves to work out give me some hints and tips please, my Goal is to get very lean and cut up NOT ARNOLD BUFF i dont like those big muscles i like the very lean n fitted ones, how many days should i work out? and how long? and how many times should i work out my arms for example twice a week or once a week just like any other part? thanks
u should work out everyday but one (mines a sunday) because even muscles need a rest. and you gotta know what muscles you want to work on, so you can become acustomed to it. as for me, im working on my abs and arms as i want to become a better breaker. so my morning and night routine is 60 pushups 60 diamond pushups 100 situps 50 kick ups i think there called 50 crutches 60 dips theres some other ab exercises but i dont know what the names of them are sorry xD the one where u twist your body around rofl. EDIT* and also sprinting/joggin is a great way to practice your edurance and it also works your lower abs the best. muscles should feel abit tight/hard even after like a week. eat lots of carbs, protein and drink lots of water after your done aswell.
shoiuldnt work out every day. ull damage ur muscles and they wont grow as much without rest. at the very least skip a day between trainings, altho i recommend 2 days in between. lift heavy, eat many small meals a day, and make sure to get ur sleep.
If you're dedicated enough to workout four to five days a week you should not do a total body workout everyday. For example Mon & Wed could be upper body and Tue & Thursday do the lower body. Since you are trying to get lean you should lift weights for 15-20 reps for 3-5 sets each. Rest is very important to gaining muscle make sure to sleep for at least 6-8 hrs a day and try to sleep as routinely as possible. If you are in good enough shape jog at least 30 minutes a day for at least 5 days a week and stretching is very important as well.
when you work out, do NOT worry a lot about how much you're lifting or how much someone else is lifting. instead, worry about your form. make sure you can do the majority of your reps with smoothness and control (no swinging or using other body muscles to compensate). when lifting, keep a controlled tempo of about 2 seconds for the lift and 4 seconds lowering the muscle back to its starting position. once you're finished working out, eat some protein to help your body recover and build muscle. I like eating promax bars, which have 20g each and you can pick 'em up at your local trader joe's for a little more than $1 each. also, you should watch what you're eating and drinking. try to eat healthy more often and drink plenty of water. before i work out, i'll do 5 minutes of running or the elliptical to get my heart rate up, then i'll start my 1 hour workout. currently, my weekly workouts are split up like this: day 1 - back and biceps; day 2 - legs; day 3 - chest and triceps; day 4 - abs and lower back; start back at day 1 the next week. my trainer recommended a 5 day weekly work out (one day for cardio), but that was too much for me after a few weeks since i didn't want to devote that much time to working out - although i could notice the results.
1 hour a day 3 times a week, do heavy and light weights but different reps, don't ever do the 3 hour thing, makes you stronger but doesn't work....