F4's Propaganda, Saying Taiwan Is A "State",Was Strongly Denounced by Chinese Net Users Taiwan's Tourism Ambassador F4's careless talks on Taiwan as a "state" triggered condemnation among chinese on-line users, their commercials were blocked online and their official website were placed with black "X" marks. In March this year, -F4 (Jerry),( Vanness), (Zaizai) and (Ken) was invited to Japan and South Korea as Taiwan Tourism ambassadors. Three of them Jerry, Vanness & Zaizai claimed Taiwan is a "state", in some fragments of their tourism commercial, causing online chinese users to be extremely disgusted , and some decided to protest, and boycott anything or any products related to F4 as a punishment. Recently, there was a furor over another Taiwanese artist, Jay Chou, during his movie promo in China, when he was asked about well known historical communist figure in China, Lei Fung and made wrong comments about the historical figure.Even when he publicly apologized, he was not yet forgiven. Earlier Mike He and Yang Chenglin's broadcast of their new series was suspended, due to Cheng Lin's previous remarks on Nanjing massacre.In addition, when Vicky Zhao Wei wore a Japanese flag during a concert, it stirred a storm on the mad crowd....