Fala Chen's photo turns into an adult video 830,000 views

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by Jeff, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Fala Chen's photo turns into an adult video 830,000 views

    Sexy goddesses Fala Chen, Linda Chung, Ana R, Patina Lin and Lynn Hung, recently became 'victims' suffering from a chest-featured video clip made by a salon photography lover (沙龍攝影愛好者, "龍友" for short) that was uploaded on Youtube and allowed male computer addicts browse all they want. When Fala heard about this, she was very upset, hoping the salon photographer can stop being so perverted, learn to have respect!

    The salon photography lover under the screen name of "HK Big Wave Center" created a video clip filled with photos of these sexy goddesses, the photos focused on the chest area and legs. Netizens can browse through the video all they want and most of the Youtube comments were on the female stars' body figures, the content is very immoral!

    On HK Big Wave Center's video listings, Linda and Fala's clicks were the highest, nearly 830,000 users clicked on the video. Netizens praised Fala's 34C cup size and Linda's 32B was ridiculed as a "microwave".

    Towards this, Fala expressed her unhappiness, she said: "Though I don't really have to care about these things, but I feel that because people can't get down to the real source online, Netizens think they don't have to be responsible for what they do. On the discussion forums, a lot of them don't use their brains when commenting. I hope they all won't be so perverted. (How to protect yourself?) The salon photography lover took the photo from the second floor, I have no choice, can I come out with a black cloth covering myself? This is my job, I have to put in the effort to be a good artist, I hope they respect us." Getting ridiculed, Linda said that she didn't watch it, she expressed: "I haven't seen the video. (Will dress carefully in the future?) I have always been careful!"

    Source: Oriental Daily
    Translated by: aZnangel
  2. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Eww, that is one unpleasant looking cloak (?) Linda, who wears that?
  3. Woody

    Woody Well-Known Member

    Where's the link?
    I want to watch.
  4. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

  5. Espresso

    Espresso Well-Known Member


    its lingerie.
  6. looks fine to me :naughty: but her hair..look like she just got out of bed.