Family Feud VS Young Love

Discussion in 'Heart of Greed II - 溏心風暴之家好月圓' started by Toilet, Sep 2, 2008.

  1. Toilet

    Toilet Well-Known Member

    What do you think? I love watching family feud much better than watching those love story with linda, bosco or raymond.
    it's much more exciting than watching those love stories
    more action than romance i alway say :D
  2. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    i dont understand what your trying to say ??...whats family feud and why is it fighting young love???
  3. gawain187

    gawain187 Well-Known Member

    Family feud is a fight between family related people over something i.e money, children, etc.

    Fighting young love is when two guys battle it out for the girl, or when two girls battle it out for a guy.

    I can see all the above happening very soon. I think young love is more entertaining, watching how they try to battle out.
  4. Mabe

    Mabe Member

    Usually i like the Love Battle's LOL
    But in this drama i love the Family Feuds!
  5. Toilet

    Toilet Well-Known Member

    hehe apologies for the bad wording :bowdown:
    just asking what do you like to watch better in MR the young ones or the oldies XD
    surely joe ba's mother and saa yee arguing has to be better than watching linda right? :p
  6. bobbylee

    bobbylee Well-Known Member

    the family feuds are hilarious
    but i like watching linda, bosco and raymond, but not too much otherwise it turns into the seventh day kinda thing.
    i find it kinda boring watching moses and kate
  7. lovinglyxx

    lovinglyxx Well-Known Member

    me too, im dissapointed abt the whole bosco/linda + raymond scenario, not as good as i had anticipated but might get better later lol
  8. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    i cic .. i guess oldies then ho ma vs sa yee vs hong yee soo much more fun then the love triangles ...tbh the love triangles whet soo boring whne the 3rd person came in ..... i liked it better when raymond wants to show his affection to linda but she rejected and how tavia wants moses but but moses doesnt know ... thats more exiting then bosco taking linda from raymond and kate take moses from tavia....
  9. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    the family feud is what this show is all about, the young love is just 2nd but it's still pretty good mixing it up, other wise it'll be too much of a good thing with the family feuding.
  10. zero_c

    zero_c Well-Known Member


    I actually think the whole family feud is so stupid. Its like everyone have the IQ of a monkey on the show right now.

    Lets start with Hong Yee, so much stuff was revealed about her to the whole family. Her corruption of Ah Ka to stocks, the sending of Ah Tun to the UK to keep Ah Chow company and the lying of her miscarriage. I still can't believe the grandmother still side with her, even after it was revealed that Ho Ma had nothing to do with the death of her younger son.

    Then you have Sa Yee, how can Ho Ma let her disturb the family again and again. WTF is wrong with everyone, how can they let her stay with the family. Plus how can all the kids let her attack their mother in front of them when everything she said were untrue. She kept on saying that all the kids wants to go back to work for the family business but Ho Ma didn't want to. How come none of the kids never tell her that its them that don't want to go back and its not because of Ho Ma.

    And don't get me started on the grandmother......

    I can't stand the stupidity display on this show, and the stupidity is there because it there to drive the story. The writers are too lazy to actually have some thoughts into the story line. Its a very very very weak story line right now.
  11. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    im sorta get what your saying but the thing is u have to put ur mind on the tile "Tong Sam Fung Bo Ze Ka Ho Yuet Yuen" *plus the hing jung chow* the entire series is sorta based on family relation and that "chan ching"

    ok lets start with grandma and hong yee ........even tho hong yee had very bad things and truths and lies grandma always respected her and loved her *until future episodes* and plus the fact that she hated ho ma from the start
    sa yee can disturb the family again again because of that little word again " chan ching" but after finding out in future episodes they kick her out but she changes and the kids respect ho ma because she loves and care for them and she is also the so called "yat gar tse chu" without her theres no them and plus all the kids hate hong yee so why should they go and help out "ka ho yuet yuen ".
    ....... i understand why your saying all this but you have to remember this is a chinese series and what chinese care about the most is "chan ching" thats why the story is like what u think "sloppy and lazy" oh and u also have to put in ur head that this is a family show and it respects all familys out there ...
    oh and i agree with you a little bit but its not all that u seem
  12. 低B仔

    低B仔 Well-Known Member

    well the main theme of this family is family feud the love stories are to side track so that viewers can understand the chracters more and so that it doesnt focus too much on the family feud to make it interesting. cmon if you eat chocolate all day you would be bored and fat lol.
  13. Toilet

    Toilet Well-Known Member

    LOL i don't think i'll ever be sick and bored of chocolate :p
    same with family feuds theres too much going on to be bored of them right :D
    i get bored everytime i see linda's face haha