Fan-created SNSD Online Museum Opens

Discussion in 'Korean Entertainment' started by _Fahrenheit_, Aug 6, 2011.

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    An SNSD online museum’s opening is receiving hot attention.

    On August 5th, SNSD’s fanclub, S♡NE, stated it will open an SNSD related site for SNSD’s 4th anniversary since its debut.

    The site is attracting attention as SNSD’s history is organized in a clear way for viewers to understand it at one glance. In addition, autographs and congratulatory messages from Sooyoung’s mother and sister, Choi Soo Jin, who is currently in the midst of musical activities, is also on the website.

    In addition, for the many international fans of SNSD, the site has English, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, and French options.

    Netizens responded with, “This is a good present for fans who like SNSD” and “For overseas fans, it even has a service for different languages“.

    You can visit the SNSD online museum here.

  2. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    wah so dedicated
  3. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Will look through the museum later on when i have time. Good project by Sones~!