三分鐘就知道誰是你最愛的人? (98%的準確率) 三分鐘就知道誰是你最愛的人? (98%的準確率) 三分鐘就知道誰是你最愛的人? (98%的準確率) 三分鐘就知道誰是你最愛的人? (98%的準確率) 三分鐘就知道誰是你最愛的人? (98%的準確率) 一個很準的心理測試:按下面的步驟一步一步做,不要作弊,否則你的希望會落空(用3分鐘完成)發送這個留言的人說:她的願望在十分鐘內變成現實,記住:不要有欺騙行為。這個戲的結果非常有趣,注意:按順序往下讀,不能跳躍地往下讀(只要花3分鐘,值得一試)首先拿一枝筆和一張紙,當你在作出選擇時,如果是人物,保證是你認識的,無論是數字或名字都是第1直覺,每次向下移動一行──記住:不要跳行往下讀 一、首先,在一列中寫下1到11的號碼(即1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11) 二、在號碼1和2的旁邊,寫下你所想的任意兩個數字 三、在號碼3和7的旁邊,寫下任意兩個異性的名字。(注意:不要跳躍的向下看,不要作弊哦) 四、在號碼4、5、6的旁邊,寫下朋友或親戚的名字幕(不要有欺騙行為) 五、在號碼8、9、10、11的旁邊,寫下4首歌的名字。 六、最後,許一個願。 結果: 1. 你必須把這個遊戲告訴給(號碼2旁邊寫下的數字)個人。 2. 號碼3是你所愛的人。 3. 號碼7是你所喜歡的但不能與之相伴的人。 4. 號碼4是你最關心的人。 5. 號碼5是非常瞭解你的人。 6. 號碼6是你重要的人。 7. 號碼8的歌適合號碼3的人。 8. 號碼9的歌適合號碼7的人。 9. 號碼10的歌最能代表你的想法。 10. 序號11的歌是你對生活的感受。 讀完這個結果之後,在一個小時之內轉載到2個論壇,如果照此做,了你的許願就會變成現實,否則,就會事與願違 頂部
omg hahahahha this was somewhat right. kinda random though..... its all guessing xD okay kdotc i'll translate it in the next post....
You can know who you love most in three minutes? (98% accurate) A very accurate test/survey: follow the instructions below step by step, and don't make things up or else it'll fail (it takes 3 minutes to finish). The person who transmitted this message says her wish came true in 10 minutes. Remember: Do not cheat. This is very interesting. Attention: read the following in order; don't skip questions (it only takes 3 minutes, and its worth a try). First grab a pencil and paper. Once you make a choice, write it down, regardless of whether it's a number or a name - it's all first 'intuition', and answer in the order it says. Remember: do not skip questions. 1. First, write the numbers 1-11. 2. In each of numbers one and two, write down a number. 3. In numbers 3 and 7, write the name of someone of the opposite sex. (remember not to skip and look at the instructions) 4. In numbers 4, 5, and 6, write the names of a friend's/relative's. (don't cheat) 5. In numbers 8, 9, 10, and 11 each, write down a name of a song. 6. Lastly, make a wish. Finally: 1. Send this to the number of people written for number 2. 2. Number 3 is the person you love 3. Number 7 is the person you like but can't be with. 4.Number 4 is the person you care for most. 5. Number 5 is the person who knows you best. 6. Number 6 is the person who's most important to you. 7. Number 8 is the song that suits the person in number 3. 8. Number 9 is the song that suits the person in number 7 9. Number 10 is the song that describes how you think most. 10. Number 11 is the song that shows how you feel about your life After reading all this, you have one hour to post this on two different forums, and your wish will become reality. Otherwise, the opposite will happen. i hope i translated it okay.
lol omg...i saw this thing a long time ago and i actually did it...so who did u rite in each number jojo? lol
now whats the point of telling you when you wouldn't evne know them? this survey's pretty smart though.. asking you to write two names of the opposite sex - most people would write someone they like or someone they've been thinking about recently. kinda obvious what the answers will mean in the end anyway hahaha.
i don't believe this. i've been taking these sorts of tests and replying to chain letters and they're all hopeless.