The film, "Brothers" 《兄弟》starring Andy Lau, Michael Miu, Felix Wong, Kent Tong Chun Yip, Eason Chan and Gordon Lam Ka Tung filmed in Thailand earlier. The weather peaked at 40 degrees Celsius during the June/ July time frame. However Felix, Kent, and Eason still wore suits and long pants during filming. The costume department had to provide the artists with 2 dozen shirts for changing each day. Felix Wong required the most number of shirt changes. Felix said, "That's not because I sweat heavily. My character is a hostage held by Kent Tong. I suffered a gunshot wound and bled a lot. Thus I had to change into numerous shirts." The most memorable experience was driving a car without a license in Thailand. "It was my first time driving this kind of car. Eason and I had to dodge numerous small alleys while being chased by Kent in a killing spree." "Our car crashed into several street vendors, causing the vehicle to almost flip over. I felt guilty that Eason's hand was injured." However Eason did not mind. Since "Brothers" was an action film, Eason was mentally prepared to suffer injuries. He thought that the car chase scene was quite exciting! During filming break in Thailand, Felix, Kent and others often swam in the hotel's pool. Since Eason feared the paparazzi taking pictures, he did not go swimming. Felix and Kent were more uninhibited and advised Eason, "As an artist in the entertainment industry, your salary includes being photographed by the paparazzi. Even if you don't like being photographed without your knowledge, you can only accept it. It is best to let go and face the situation." Source: Jayne News