Film "Highway Star" Sold to Asian Countries

Discussion in 'Korean Entertainment' started by hadouken, Jul 26, 2007.

  1. [​IMG]

    The movie "Highway Star" starring actor Cha Tae-hyun has recently been sold to Japan following its sale to Thailand, Malaysia and Brunei.

    The movie, which captivated Korean viewers earlier this year with its comic plot and cheerful soundtrack, was sold to the Japanese company AVEX.

    As a record and DVD company, AVEX mostly imports European art films. But this time the firm offered to buy "Highway Star" because it enchanted the company's staff when they watched it at the Cannes Film Festival.

    The plot of "Highway Star," revolving around a young rocker attempting to escape from "trot" music, has struck a chord with people from other Asian countries. Even before it opened in theaters, the movie was sold to Thailand, Malaysia and Brunei, and will open in Thailand August 2.

    source : kbs
  2. bluewingg116

    bluewingg116 Member

    Yay !! = )
  3. ladidado

    ladidado Active Member

    was a funny movie :)