Final Fantasy 13 Ending/Discussion/Post-Game Farming/Cieth Missions Thread

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by [N], Mar 26, 2010.

  1. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    So after I beat the game i realized that i didn't really get what happened in the end. The first 30 hours of story got me hooked but the last chapters didn't add at all to the story and had me disappointed.
    What the hell so the gang wanted to save cocoon and orphan at first but they destroyed it knowing that it will also end cocoon and they had no idea that fang and vanille were going to sacrifice themselves to save it.
    So anyone still playing this post game? Well here are some good places for farming...

    Don't need to max your characters:
    Go to eden/kill admantoise/go back in door/repeat (if you are trying to regain TP to knock it down again this is best method) They give trapezehedrons (2mil if you buy) and platinum ignots(sell for 150k gil) Also you get incentive chips and credit chips while replenishing tp.

    Need to max:
    Go to pulse/go to the place where there was two admantoise on the left and right and 3 admanchelid in the middle. After you beat the cieth stone missions that were in a circle formation (it includes mission 61 and 62), the admans will become shao/long gui. kill those shao long guis for dark matter (1 mil if you buy) and gold nuggets(60k).
  2. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    kung kung's own cheat guide..?...

    ive not got the game yet...=/
    keep seeing the ad for it on tv....with the leona lewis song playing..
  3. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    bb why you in here for spoilers?
  4. hired7

    hired7 Member

  5. Natsu

    Natsu Well-Known Member

    The ending got me confused. But nevertheless it was an enjoyable game.

    Mission 64 is mega hard and I came to a conclusion that I need 3 Saboteurs possibly maxed out in order to take it down but I only got 2 and I cant be bothered to get another Saboteur. Even though I have growth egg. I find doing Mission 24 in the Tower, Tier 5, good for gil and CP since you can kill it within 15 secs and the mission giver is like a few metres away from the Mark. Farm there.

    Whos your favourite team? Mines Lightning, Fang and Hope. Hope --> Vanille as Vanille annoys me.

    Fang's got her ultimate weapon maxed and Lightning with Enkindler Blade, dont think I want to get her Ultimate weapon since I lose the 10% bonus on ATB which of course you need the required accessories to get 30% ATB bonus. Might do it if I had the gil but it takes forever to get lots of gil >.<
  6. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    my previous team before fighting shao/long gui Fang (main), lightning and snow

    my team now fang (main), hope, vanille (need dual medics for those fights).

    i didn't do mission 64 yet so i dont know if its harder than long gui fights but thats the only mission i have to do. and if you need gil use the eden farming method. so you use the axis blade for lightning? doesnt that already give her hit ATB+. i followed hype and used lionheart->omega weapon and i am kind of disappointed by it. i maxed out the taming pole-> kains lance for fang and its doing well.

    oh by the way if you want more traps you can max out the kains lance from any of fangs weapons (with the exception of bladed lance and taming pole) diassemble it and get 3 traps but i'll rather take my chances with farming admantoise lol. and yes i got soo sick of vanille when i used her for the death trick. fuck i will never do that again.
  7. pitawoo

    pitawoo Member

    I wanna to play this game so bad. too bad i'm too poor to buy it. but in my heart, ff7 will be the best of all time.
  8. Natsu

    Natsu Well-Known Member

    yeah I did that. I got one of the Fangs weapons Ultimate weapon and dissembled it. I got traps x 3 and some other random stuff, one which can be sold for gil for quite a bit. now i got 2 left since i got Fang's Taming Pole upto max Ultimate Weapon. Death trick on Adamantoise is when I use Vanille. I was reading about whats good and I had Lionheart for a bit then i i used Enkindler which is the upgrade version of Axis Blade. It gives +10 but when you add Aurora Scarf, Whistle something, Sprint Shoes and Hermes Sandals it gives +30%. but once it becomes Ultimate weapon, it goes back to 20% even though you gain more Str and Magic. So in the long run, i dont really know whats better. i guess long fights, Enkindler and shorter fights the upgraded version. So i think i'll stick with the Enkindler for Mission 64
  9. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    mission 64 isn't that hard to complete but hard to five star lol. just make sure you have a "tortoise" setup (sen/sen/sen) which is pretty much necessary for the shao/long gui and this boss and do not make a mistake (i accidentally switched to wrong class or i could've beaten it in one try)also you definitely need a good medic with curaja/curasa seems like as you get him to almost no health the guy spams attack like crazy, should finish him asap.yea i realized that i lost quick stagger after upgrading my lionheart that sucks because you would need an extra slot to add it now.
  10. Natsu

    Natsu Well-Known Member

    Tortoise set up. i dont think i used sen/sen/sen for Tortoise. just summon dont bother with the attacks and Rav/Rav/Rav until he staggers and just Com/Com/Com before he gets up. I find Lightning's Army of One good for getting stagger up. so Rav/Com/Com until its over 500% then switch to Com/Com/Com. For Mission 64, yeah sen/sen/sen is good for that Wind attack he does but i dont think I have 3 sens. Only Snow and Fang are Sens >.<
  11. lol for real? you're that hardcore now..

    we'll for the rest of us, we don't need this cause we got the collector's edition strategy guide.. -whistle -cool2
  12. lol..... i have some catching up to do....
  13. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    Lol I just beat the game. Final boss was kind of a push over. Used Snow/Vanille/Hope.
  14. ^ gona play through it again? or max them out? wish FF7 had that option
  15. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    so you haven't beat the game yet? i got six sen by endgame. too bad the ai doesn't know how to use those limit breaks as i don't use lightning as main.

    lol haters gonna hate. wtf you got ff?

    yea the last boss was pretty easy compared to the cieth missions and other fights.
  16. Natsu

    Natsu Well-Known Member

    Yeah i beat the end boss. easy compared to the missions. just need to do Mission 64 and thats it. yeah i agree, AI dont use those limit breaks at all.
  17. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    i know that it will piss some people off if fang uses her break once the boss is stagger but its programmable to make her use it at the end of the boss' stagger bar. it might be over powered though.
  18. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    Hey NAS, does the Trap dismantle trick work? It's such a PITA to get the tier 3 weapon to level 100.
  19. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^yeah it works, just don't try to fully upgrade the bladed lance because it nets you only 2 (i had experience this) or the taming pole (gives you no traps). I think all fang's other weapons work and nets you 3 traps, never tried vanille. You should only do this once and fight the admantoise for the rest though because i got the rest of my traps that way. Friggin cost about 1.5 mil+trap to max the damn weapons.
  20. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    didnt play the game yet. But i've seen the ending. It's a really weak ending compare wit FFX. (never play 12 because i thought it has a weak ending + storyline too).