First Car or First Gf?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by chinaman, Sep 12, 2006.

  1. chinaman

    chinaman Active Member

    They say you never forget your first, and you will spend the rest of your life looking for someone that reminds of you first love. But I don't really buy into that. Do you?

    My first gf was a bitch. When I think back to my first kiss, I don't get all warm and fuzzy reminiscing about that shit. I'm more like, damn, I wasted my first kiss on her?? fuck.

    But me and a buddy of mine were talking about our first cars, which was basically our parents cars. Both of us were driving typically family cars back then. Now we both have our own sports cars. But as we were talking, I did get that giddy feeling when I thought about the first time I really punched the gas pedal all the way down on the family car. That really gave me a rush. I never heard the engine rev like that when my dad drove it. Didn't think it had that much power. The car I have now is much faster, its manual, its got a lot more horsepower, but I don't get the same thrill I had very first time in the older, slower car. I still get a rush for sure, but I don't get the holy shit feeling I used to have. Maybe I need to get a car that's faster, still? or is it something you only experience the first time?
  2. well you're probably just more into your machines than other pple...

    you probably won't be satisfied with the speed unless you get a lambo... since you strive for that rush...

    well you should just probably find a job at an amusment park and ride the rollercoasters all day...
  3. chinaman

    chinaman Active Member


    naw, roller coasters aren't the same thing. I don't get the same kick out of it. For one, roller coasters don't rev. But more importantly, you're not in control. It makes a difference. It's like having ur life in your hands.
  4. what dangerous life we live... grab the bull by it's horns...
  5. MingGor

    MingGor Active Member

    Maybe you need VTAAAAKKKKKKKKKK!!! or go turbo!

    A bike would be give you a nice thrill too...there's nothing like the sound of a motor screaming at 10k RPM. -scooter