My external hard drive fell onto the floor (floorboards) from about 50cm high when it was still switched on. After that, everytime I tried to plug it into the usb port it makes a funny sound for a few minutes like its loading and then cuts off and then after the noise stops and it says installing device etc.... It finally says device installed (this never happened before it fell) it says device ready to be used but I can't locate the hard drive anywhere on my laptop. My friend said the disk inside might be scratched. Does this mean the data can't be retrieved? Or would I be able to open it up and check out whats wrong with it? I've tried to open the casing but it has screwed bolted from the inside so the only way to open it is to break the case.
if it is a hard drive that you brought.... with casing already... i would call the company if you still have warranty on it. It does seem like the hard drive have died. Hard drives can't not fall from so high from those shocks... This is why it sucks to have hard drive moving :laugh2: Flash drive don't have moving parts which from drops won't die as easy.... hard drive have a moving disc thingy in it.. can be easily scratched and/or damage from drops. time for an upgrade! btw... hard drives aren't easy to open from the ones that was premade by manufactures. if you break the seal warranty will be void...
you can try taking to a computer store.... asking them to recover files for you, bu it might cost a bit of money....
if it's damaged... it generally can't be used nemore... it'll constantly kill itself till it completely dies out... you could be lucky and it's just the USB/FIrewire/etc... adapter part of the casing that's been killed... in which case, the HDD inside would still be ok...
sounds like the connector from the external HDD to the HDD inside might be broken. I'd try to look for a cable to try and conntect it directly from the drive to your computer or get one of those sata/ide to usb cable and try to see if you can get the comptuer to recognize it
Some of the mechanical parts of the hard drive could have been damaged due to the fall as the connection between the USB and the device the HDD in this case is still active you said it makes a funny noise, is it loud, is it possible to hear the heads moving back in forth seeking? it is possible since it was running when it was dropped it messed with the heads of the reader causing it to malfunction. What was it like right after you dropped it? was it still running or did it turn off?
erm.... i cant remember i think it was still running.. the light was still switched on but there was no sound so i restarted it...
lesson to learn: remember to backup all the important stuff =) and do that in more than one place! i guess if its really important, take it to any computer forensic place and they'll be able to recover it but whether u can justify the price for doing it is another issue computer forensic technology these days are quite advanced and can pretty much recover near everything, pending time restraints that is... =)
Question regarding a mybook and a non-mybook. after installing the mybook, everytime i want to 'safely remove' my non-mybook drive, it gives the error "device 'WDC WD25 00JB-00REA0 USB Device' cannot be stopped because program still accessing it" what gives?
Sounds like something is hanging or not letting go when closed in addition to accessing the drive. Look into Process Exlporer: It gives you information about which handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded. Also look into an app called Unlocker: Releases any apps that may be in use by other programs. Knoc
I have an external drive. I knew I would be clumsy so I kinda glued the base to the table. -lol it works!
you glued it?? hahaha... i never thought my hard drive would fall over >.< stupid books fell and knocked it over >.<... i think i need to put my new external hard drive flat on the floor
lol how do you guys even manage to drop it... my externals are all on mini stands lol and have never fallen