Foods that you have in CNY

Discussion in 'The Food Section' started by bbgirlsum, Feb 12, 2010.

  1. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    Seems like Chinese New Year is just round the corner, it's the time where people seem to eat different kinds of food for this celebration..


    Post pictures up on what you have around the Chinese New Year celebration period :D

    As some people don't keep traditions and some do -innocent
  2. tiapk7932

    tiapk7932 Well-Known Member

    awww....too late to take pics as my cousins and I finished almost everthing. =P But, I think we generally have 9 dishes each year. I'll go to the market and buy roast pork and salt water chicken for CNY. My mom will use these two items to "bai sun" before we can have dinner.
  3. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*


    this is what we had for CNY lol
  4. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    Oooh yum yum!
    I kinda wished I went home coz I would be eatting this :(
    what's zhong btw?
  5. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    zhong is this stuff - sticky sticky rice with meat, yellow bean inside

  6. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    oooh i woulda spelt is has joung lol
    but i never knew you eat that in CNY? i thouhgt it was "dune ng" festival?
  7. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    hmm yeah i didnt u'll eat zhong/joung in CNY

    stuff i made 1st day (not the cakes ha)

    second day went over somewhere, too busy no pics XD but we ate rice cakes again, my grandma did it so much better ahhhh, & sweet rice cakes, those rib thing, veggies, & definitely steamed fish
  8. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    Phoenixgirl had a feast, some similar stuff that I had too.

    Kay with her international style going on, I like your tofu mango cake...mmm

    I was busy eating, I had big crabs, mixed seafood stir fried, veg/mushrooms stir fried, Fu jook soup, the very tine rice noodles mixed with half dried squid and dried shrimp with some green onion, Chicken (of course), roasted pork, there was another dish but I don't
  9. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    Rawrs I shoulda gone home for the nice foods :(
    All i had at 1 in the morning was rice, chicken and a steamed egg lol
    Not very 9 big dishes isit? lol
  10. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    I feel bad for least you still had a
  11. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    It wasn't even a whole chicken.. lol it was like 7 pieces of drumsticks and thighs that i had to make myself :(
  12. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    I didn't have anything between instant noodle and kimchi so yeah .. BBGirl .. you were a lot better off than me. There are just too many thing going on in the house and we just don't have the time and energy to make it big.
  13. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    the only thing worst to eat in CNY other than instant noodle is nothing. =(
  14. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    but you had your family, whereas i'm not with my family only my BF who doesn't celebrate CNY :( but then he did take me out to see a show and that celebrated CNY ^__^
  15. [mJ9]

    [mJ9] Well-Known Member

    No pics but there was Shark Finning soup, roast duck,Lobster in red sauce,steam fish,chicken,vegetables,mui choi yuk, hoisem
  16. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    seems most people had similar dishes an some fusion things going on...
    we should so get together an a do a PA feast :eat:
  17. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    you can get together w/ you bf and make a family .. lol

    @ phoenix .. PA feast .. who's cooking? you??

    @ mj9 .. damn .. that's a lot of food there .. how many members are in your family? gee .. if ya'll don't finish it and food spoiled .. wouldn't it be a waste.
  18. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    HAH! My family planning ain't gonna happen then I have a stable job which means after I have graduated haha
  19. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    one thing i learned from experience .. don't plan everything ..let nature takes its course. life is too short to wait for things to happen .. we all say .. wait till i grad ... then stable job .. finish grad school .. get mngt job .. then you know what .. 10 yrs have passed you by ...your bf prob moves on .. lol

    yes, financially ready is important but i think physically, emotionally, and mentally ready is even more important.
  20. Aznguy123

    Aznguy123 Well-Known Member

    ^ i agree.

    SoOn Females will be the head of the household! :whip: