as a matter of fact..i was jsut lookign at the classified section lookin for a job!! im scared to call only hope is telemarketing rite now..maybe sales
no..a for sale section bad will never stop with the me...that will def get out of hand and gettin ppl ripped off on the forums..and rules for much of a hastle to start a classifieds section
I would think that if there is spamming it should already be happening. I've been to many forums and none of them seem to have any problems with their sale forums. But then again i guess this is the first "global" forum i've been in. A job networking forum is to personalize a job. Whereas you're probably a 2nd-3rd link for a job opportunity you can put yourself in front by speaking to someone here directly.
thats where the site grows and assign more mods. I still don't see how it would make anything busier...