Microsoft's marketing machine is running, but do we really need Windows Vista? Is Vista Aero really giving us the Wow feeling? Forget Vista Aero, here is BumpTop [youtube]M0ODskdEPnQ[/youtube]
Thats a pretty cool idea, but I don't see it catching on anything soon. That and the way the icons are design, have the heck do you know what image, file, etc is without name and what not... I like the wall idea, it'll be pretty cool to try out but besides that we are still going to be using windows for a long time...
its nice but the novelty will wear off real soon, when you need to find something and its buried under a load of crap
yea.. that ish looks pretty fun.. rather than chucking papers at corners physically you can do it virtually... the fan-out feature is pretty tight.. but this does need a bit more than just organizing documents.. lol just imagine how distracting that thing is... you'll prolly play with the features all day rather than actually using it for something productive...