Frankie Lam Cheated on Kenix Kwok and Threatened Suicide?

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by Maverick, May 29, 2009.

  1. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    Frankie Lam Cheated on Kenix Kwok and Threatened Suicide?
    Kenix Kwok Ho Ying
    and Frankie Lam Man Lung’s marriage took on a rocky turn with the recent alleged third party involvement of maianland actress, Vicki Dong. A Hong Kong tabloid magazine recently received a CD-ROM containing excerpts of recorded phone conversations with speakers that closely resemble Frankie and Kenix’s voices in discussion over Frankie’s affair. Kenix’s manager, Wang T.C. Chang, said that a statement will be issued shortly to address the recent rumors.

    Frankie’s Affair Surfaced; Contemplated Suicide
    Often perceived by the public as the ideal couple, Kenix and Frankie have been married for 5 years. Over the years, numerous marriage discord rumors have surfaced, which the couple denied each time. However, perhaps the rumors did not surface without reason. This Friday, a Hong Kong tabloid magazine uploaded one hour sound clips of Kenix and Frankie’s alleged conversations over the affair online. The clips contain various excerpts from conversations recorded over a span of several months. In one of the conversations, a speaker resembling Frankie admitted to Kenix’s manager that he had an affair and contemplated suicide.
    In one of the conversations, Frankie asked Kenix’s manager, Wang T.C. Chang, “You've seen those photos of Vicki Dong and I together. What kind of photos are they?" Wang replied, "They are normal photos of you and Vicki in a bedroom. I asked Vicki if she had photographed the pictures and she said no. The photos are not [incriminating nor racy], but Kenix would be very unhappy if she saw them.”

    In a frustrated voice, Frankie said to T.C. Chang, "I do not know why Miss Dong told you about our relationship. Are you able to persuade Miss Dong to give you the photographs? If I can not clear up this issue, I will swallow two bottles of sleeping pills!" [Frankie hinted at committing suicide.]
    After a short pause, Frankie said “Yesterday, I was honest with Kenix and told her that I was involved with Vicki Dong for a short period of time. I am sure to face the consequences of this. When I became involved with Vicki, Kenix and I were at the most unhappiest point in our marriage.”
    In the recording, T. C. Chang told Frankie, "One day, we were at a bar. Suddenly Vicki Dong cried and asked me whether I knew Kenix Kwok. I said yes and she asked about Kenix and your relationship. Afterwards, Vicki said, ‘At one time, I was involved with Frankie Lam.’”

    The Root Cause of Marriage Discord: Frankie Does Not Earn Enough Money
    Frankie and Kenix both appeared at the premiere of the newly re-edited version of "Ashes of Time" 《東邪西毒》 earlier this year. But rumors of the pair’s marriage discord surfaced in late 2008. In the last two years, Frankie has suffered declining popularity and was no longer a strong pillar at TVB. As a result, Frankie had to field Kenix’s frequent complaints.
    In a sound clip, Frankie said, "Everyday, Kenix complained why I did not accept a new filming project. She complained about many things. It is not because I did not look for work, however I did not come across anything suitable. I am not the boss and can not call the shots to start a multi-million project. Originally, there was discussion about filming and ad, but the contract fell through the last minute.”
    Frankie also revealed that his living expenses with Kenix were extremely high and there were many economic constraints. He did not have any dignity at home and often needed Kenix’s approval for many things. In fact, since the pair started acting in the industry, Kenix’s money making ability always exceeded Frankie. In 2008, although Kenix did not film any series, she took on several modeling projects and still made more money than Frankie.

    Latest Developments
    Apparently, Kenix was aware of Frankie’s affair with Vicki Dong. There were also rumors that she was three months pregnant and very angry at Frankie. However, to make a living, Kenix filmed TVB’s recent series, “Born Rich.” Earlier, reporters spotted Kenix shopping by herself at a Causeway Bay shop. She wore a brand-name dress and carried a luxury Hermes handbag. She arrived at Causeway Bay to buy some discount street fashion and her facial expression appeared pale and sad. After paying for the merchandise, Kenix’s assistant carried the bags for her. Afterwards, Kenix quickly entered a car and left.
    Another source said that Kenix and Frankie have already separated. Allegedly, Kenix’s manager, T.C. Chang will address the public with any press questions.

    Vicki Dong
    Rising mainland actress, Vicki Dong, hosted several television programs such as 《娛樂在綫》. Recently, she appeared in dramas such as 《錯愛II》,《來電奇緣》, and 《朝九晚無》. In 2007, while filming 《朝九晚無》in Shanghai, Vicki met and fell in love with Frankie Lam.
    In Vicki’s personal blog entry dated October 5, 2008, she wrote about her perspective on love, “Whether it is good or bad, the most important thing is to know the truth.” In an October 20th entry, Vicki watched the movie "Sex and the City," upon a friend’s recommendation. The film apparently resonated with Vicki, “During heart break, my mind was filled with images of ‘Mr. Wrong’ and his past.” It appears that Vicki experienced a period of emotional trauma at the time.

    Below are scanned images of the original tabloid article from Sudden Weekly, reposted at
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

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  2. my mom was telling me about this....hope their marriage is ok.
  3. RockkxD

    RockkxD Moderator

    They been together for so long, I also hope they can get on with it and not have their marriage ruined.
  4. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    I don't remember them having any kids, if he's cheating, I'm guessing it's because of that.
  5. sars4tw

    sars4tw Well-Known Member

    Yup...their marriage is over.
  6. tien317

    tien317 Well-Known Member

    I hope they will make it through...
  7. Raindropz

    Raindropz Anemone--

    The disc makes me suspicious.. It must be hoax.
  8. so where's the sound clip??
  9. michelle7879

    michelle7879 Well-Known Member

    Hope so the news is fake.... hope so they're pretty well...
  10. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    And there was a press conference:
  11. FantasyMania

    FantasyMania Active Member

    I hope its not real, poor Kenix.
  12. leongal

    leongal Active Member

    it's sad to hear tis news.....hope things will work out fine for them
  13. Kaitou_Kid

    Kaitou_Kid Well-Known Member

    aww they are such a cute couple i hope they don't split. but i can see kenix dominating the relationship financially and as for roles in the marriage.
  14. poebee

    poebee New Member

    they like Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt. This is not the first time Frankie cheating her.
  15. april07

    april07 Active Member

    Just can't imagine this. Blame who.
    If no honesty, why married to hurt each other.
    Man can control whether he want to do it or not and the same goes to woman.
    It takes two to work or get it.
    This woman is horrible to, if she already know he is marry. She should know the feeling taking or breaking up a marriage even the couple marriage is shaking.

    Haha....anyone who want to get marry and then thinking of divorce or won't get happiness in marriage better don't go on and put a stop. The pity thing is to put the family situation to innocent children if they have. Some adults can be a totally idiot, never think of the cause.

    Hope Frankie and Kenix will make it up and Vicky don't involve again and disappear if she care or love Frankie to not to destroy their relationship. Hope Frankie will realize and be honest and don't cheat.

    A saying say a cheater will always be a cheater.
  16. ochibi12

    ochibi12 Well-Known Member

    They've been together for so long, it would be a pity to see them break up. Frankie is so cute and I think TVB should give him more active roles in upcoming dramas. He was so good in Face to Fate. Too bad TVB does not support their pillar actors and actresses that keep them well-rated in HK and abroad. Disappointing...

    I suppose Vicky has a sensual look about her, but I wonder if this is really a hoax (meaning generated for media attention), or is reality. It would not do to see them separated after being together for so long. If it is true, both of them should know better. However, Kenix should be more relenting in their relationship if the problems are financial ones. Just because you are the primary breadwinner, does not mean you should put so much pressure on the husband for his lack of contribution. Sometimes people can't help if they are chosen for roles or drafted for jobs.

    Regardless, please be strong Frankie and Kenix; there are many, many fans who will support you through this difficult time!!!
  17. 7.up

    7.up Well-Known Member

    Men n their nature of spreading their "love"
  18. wowomuffin

    wowomuffin Member

    If he really is cheating, that's just bad. Even if it was in a rocky part of their marriage, it's still adultery. I hope he really haven't cheated, I liked them together!
  19. maybelle

    maybelle Member

    They have been together so long. Hope this won't affect their marriage.
  20. svenja

    svenja New Member

    they are lovely couple.hope their marriage last long