Gentle Crackdown 2 blessing ceremony

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by Maverick, Jun 1, 2007.

  1. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    Gentle Crackdown 2 blessing ceremony

    Here's a video clip of Gentle Crackdown 2 blessing ceremony. Click here for the video.

    In this interview, Steven and Yumiko talks about their collaboration in GC2. Steven praises Yumiko as the ‘number one’ newcomer he has ever worked with. Yumiko also says that Steven provided her with a lot of guidance on her role and different filming techniques such as positioning.

    When asked if he would be worried about filming fighting scenes with Yumiko, Steven admits that he was a little worried at first. However, he says that after a few scenes, he knows that Yumiko can really 'fight'. Yumiko also talks about how she was caught in the rain during the filming of one of the scenes.

  2. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    is the first one with niki chow? hhmm ... no yumiko cheng huh? wonder if it'll be good.