it makes sense thouhg...imageine a harddrive made entirely of ram..and as u know..ram is much faster than harddrives..imagine windows booting in lke under 5 seconds....
that would b very impressive.... that means more multiple apps can b ran wivout noticin any lag....... sum apps take up so much RAM its like unbelieveable man i got to get me 1 of those
there is a company out there that makes actual drives with iram..but friggin expensive...and they only sell to govt approved places for some reason...this may have changed....but last time i checked...prices were in the thousands...fascinating stuff..
whoa thousands!!!!! thats hardcore hope these arent that frigging expensive ha i need to seriously tune up my desktop at the cheapest price as poss....... gettin broke frm uni and boozin as it is -lol i wonder y sum co only sells iram to gov places...... and not to the public?
good question indeed..but i think that has changed..since i had read it ver the somehwere out there...iram is available to the public...just how much is a good question..
Actually, it was a lot more than 5 seconds. Quite a nice idea, but I don't think it's really worth it: - you can already do use your RAM as a hard drive using just software, though there's a slight difference - can only use the RAM drive after boot up. - only 4GB max storage (which'll cost around $500 USD, including eveything) - can't really use it as a hard drive due to its volatile memory - needs power or you'll lose your data, even though it comes with a 10 hour power supply. - if you're planning to boot Windows from this drive, that's gonna take up 1.5-2.5GB (depending on the which service pack you've installed), leaving you with a measly 1.5-2.5GB on the i-RAM drive. - if you're into games, this isn't gonna improve much. - The extra performance comes at a price - more CPU utility. The $500 could be better spent on a 500GB drive for $350, or do RAID.
agrd..more than 5 seconds..however i should have made it clear that i was referring to an iram harddrive. -yes..ram can already be is a step further..but again..ramdisc...only use after cant compare it to this..different scenarios -we were also referring to the fact that there is a harddrive version..this device only adds with the drives..ur not limited by space..good point also..its volatile....hence..the 10hr standby power supply..which covers the constant power supply..the harddrives have a long supply than 10hrs... focus on what we were driving at..a harddrive with ram..essentially an iram harddrive... iram is a nice start to actual harddrive...
Ahh I see what you mean now, I was reading that link you posted mainly so I was thinking of just the i-RAM itself. That's a great concept, joining the two technologies, i-RAM HD. Getting performance and storage space. Sorta like a bigger cache for your hard drive. Cool stuff.
knoc no's his computers and is always rite -lol well haneo, u mite jus get lucky sum day and catch him out
I will take 2 WD Raptor X in Raid0 instead. The only good thing about the i-Ram is that you can use your older RAM sticks.
haaaa...righh on dragon...naw...i'm sure i make mistakes...i'm human after all..right....or am i..hmmph...but yeah..for now that iram device is just cool...good for specific uses...i'll want an actual i drive....good ol sata does the job for now....but just only for now...
Hahaha, I was kinda right, Knoctur_nal mislead me when he posted the link to the i-RAM and the thread title says Gigabyte's i-RAM storage device
mislead...ha..more like u had ur own ideas the convo..we went straight into u were referring to that iram device whike we were referring to idrives...haa