To me it's down to her whether she wants to keep it or not. At the end of the day teenage pregnancy is pretty normal and being a single mum is also pretty much in the norm now. Fair enough you don't want the baby, but what if she does? You can't pressure her into doing she don't wanna do. If she does decide to keep it just support her, not saying stay with her forever because feelings may change and you might not "like" her but responsibility is responsibility. You should have put something at the end of it or she should have taken some sort of contraception. Just ask her what she wants. If she wants to abort too its fair enough coz it's what she wants to. At the end of the day it is down to her and the influences of her parents if they are strict. I'm only saying this is because you're not the one going through the 9 months ordeal. To be honest I have been through this whole abortion malarky and shiz.
i would say no but that depends of your age having sexual relation is great but you have to be responsible of what could happen, in that case she got pregnant now she is probably in super stress/scared mode so much that u cant even imagine, you guys really need to talk about it if both are young and still in school then yea i guess aborting would be the best course of action a girl getting pregnant at age 17 wont be able to continue to go to school, scared of what other schoolmate might think of her because its something people can notice and 17 is a bit too early for our society but i heard aborting is not risk free, she wont be able to have a baby for some years and might become sterile i have been through that too, it is really stressful but what is done is done, overstressing wont help, you need to talk about what to do next with her and ask what she wants
I dont think you should tell her to abort it, further down the line when the baby is gone you may find she wishes she kept it.. and guess what she will remember you for.. being the one who told her to get rid of it. Rather, tell your friend youll help her where you can, i think the innocent baby deserves a chance at life.
Condoms don't work 100% of the time. There is still a chance it will break during sex or of it just not working at all. I was about to ask this too. Kinda confused after Bulla's post and how you separated the "girl" from the "friend." In any case. I think you should tell her you think she should abort it if she asks you. However you should also make it clear that you'll be supportive of whatever choice she makes. In the end, the girl gets the final call since they have much more to lose/gain from this.
First of all, aren't you an adult? lol If you are, you better be prepared in case you get a lawsuit for statutory rape! anyways, don't mention it unless she asks you what you think. if you just tell her you think she should abort it she's gonna be so angry if she doesn't want to. And like khaotic said, make sure you tell her you support any decision she makes. I completely agree with Bulla's post too.
Legal age to have sex in NYC is 18 or something? In UK, it's 16. Hey KT, if both are of legal age, would it still be statutory rape? Yes, there are chances for the condom to break, that is why the female should take the contractive pills (It's that pill right?) for preventive. I also wanted to ask, is the baby really yours? It should be though since she's your GF, unless she been out with someone else...
I agree with Kevin but now its too late. if it was me id abort it asap because dude your both young and im sure your not ready to have a baby because you have your whole life infront of you. this happened to a few of my mates and some actually kept it and they are quite happy with the decsion and their parents were quite supportive about it but if your asian Is that your girlfriend in that picture?
LOL, looks like Tony had more than psycho crushes with girls under 18. Anyways, how did it happen? And She might be faking to move in with ya, tell her to do some hard labour and the kid might for out from miscarriage
^ah shit thats fucked up. Until tony answers the questions, there is no way to help.... Main question: Are you a guy over 18 who got a 17 year old pregnant?
if they are both of legal age of course it isn't. Statutory rape is when someone of age engages in sexual intercourse with a minor under the age of consent wherever he is. He lives in NY, and like you said it's 18 there. Tony, come out and answer us already.
reeet im calling shenanigans? ... your trolling right tony?? but if not then ... imo you cant tell her to abort .... you have to make a mutual agreement whether to keep or not ..... also having family members and friends to support you will be good ..... unless your in a quite strict asian family ... but nevertheless .... you should get as much support as possible
obviously she's guna ask for your opinion..cos it did take the BOTH of ya to make a baby... an u cant tell her to abort just cos u dont want the should be a mutual decision like ulti says.. both sides of the family should know about this situation so that they can provide much more needed advice an support. an shame on u flames, for suggesting the gf do some hard labour an have a miscarriage occur....grrr but, tbh i dont actually know if this is some fake thread or real, so waiting for op to post his replies soon....