Girl who has bf but keeps relying on me

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by EDC, Apr 20, 2010.

  1. EDC

    EDC New Member

    This girl is my friend for a long time now. I asked her out before but she rejected me, but we still stayed as friends. I always help her whenever I can, be it help her study, pick classes for her, stuff like that. Recently, I found out that she has a boyfriend. I felt jealous because one, she didn't tell me, a friend of mine did, and two that I have take the backseat to her boyfriend. Now she wants me to pick her class. Why should I do it when she has her boyfriend? Am I suppose to cushion for her while heb boyfriend gets to enjoy time with her? Why does she do this? Why can't she understand how I feel? I've always been there for her and to her, I am just a friend. I just don't know how to feel. Part of is just so angry because I think I am being used. Why him and not me? What has he ever done for her?
  2. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    you're thinking to much period
  3. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer


  4. BennyJai

    BennyJai Member

    He is probably giving her real good sex
  5. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    u just need to talk to her and 'get over it' , think you're thinking too much into it..
  6. iiimj4everiii

    iiimj4everiii Well-Known Member

    i was in a very similar situation. shes not appreciating you and taking advantage of u knowing that u will always be there for her. what you need to do is stop caring this much. reduce it to maybe a half. shes asking u to help her with the classes, if u don't feel like doing it for w/e reason (jealous/upset/mad/bad) then just tell her no. Don't worry about her being all sad and sht. This world doesn't revolve around her.

    Also if she rejected you before, the logical thing to do is to just forget it and move on. It is very hard and may take alotttt of time but you will be so much happier this way. Believe me I know how u feel.
  7. meeko

    meeko Member

  8. xsugarx

    xsugarx Well-Known Member

    Well, if she thinks of you as a friend why can't rely on you? Friends rely on Friends.... Friends care for one another. I think you're just wanting more from her and not getting it hence your frustration.
  9. Tiger King

    Tiger King Well-Known Member


    Let me lay it down for you in the rawest way possible.

    STFU and man up. Too many questions and too little action dude.

    This is the problem with chumps these days, I'm sorry if I sound arrogant, but guys have had their heads shoved so far up their asses they think everytime a girl directly does something to them, something so minor as in telling you about their problems, the guys will start to question whether this girl is interested in them, they get a little kick in their confidence, only to have that confidence shut down when a girl doesn't accept them as a potential boyfriend material, then they act like its bullshit and get all confused and emo.

    This may be far from the truth with you (the topic starter), but I know people and have been in that position myself.

    To resolve your pain, you might want to put a gun to your head and pull the trigger and make pretty patterns on the wall. But you shouldn't, because you are a man, or you should be a man.

    I think people shouldn't wait signals that girls give to the guys, but rather the guys should take control of the situation, if she don't like you fine, move on, if you get rejected, fine, move on, no one can have a "0" in their rejection column when it comes to dating. Big motherfucking deal if you get rejected its normal. Just don't cry and question why this is happening to me and this isn't happening to dicks and jerks out there.

    Now that I ranted all I had to say, I suggest you stop questioning, and just help her out as a friend, don't see her requests as a possible indication that she could be fucking with you, she might be and she might not be. Who gives a shit, just help her if you feel you want to help her, and do it in the position of a friend.
  10. sheahann

    sheahann Member

    u are only her spare tyre ... dont find her anymore
  11. Espresso

    Espresso Well-Known Member


    I am exactly in the same situation as you are, almost identical. It has gotten to the point where I have straight up and told her firmly my harsh feelings. Although I didn't use expletives and what not, I made it very clear that any further preservation will be on her and that I was through with it.

    I have to be harsh because I find myself being on the short end more than once, and I am finally fed up with it. I don't really care if she will talk to me, if she does, I'll listen. But it WILL NEVER NEVER BE THE SAME, because these are trends of support that get broken.........
  12. Agreed with all of the above. Especially to Tiger King.

    Too manys times have guys dwelled over a girl they couldnt get and missed all the great opportunities passing them by (myself included). Either cut her off and move on to save urself heartache.
    If u r intent of continuing the chase, change tactic and treat her like sh!!t. U mite find u enjoy it. If she stops talking to u, good. It'll make it easier for u to move on. On the other hand, if she still hangs around, it will change her view of u, instead being the BFF soft c00ck that u are, she'll see u as a real man who shoes authority and demands respect. U will give her the drama and emotional spikes that all females crave (hence their love for soapies). And once in a while show her some good stuff just to show her what she's missing out on. U mite think that this is playing with her emotions, but this is whats she's done to u (probably) unconsciously.

    Obviously, there's no guarantees, but u will definitely get something out of this experience.

    So remenmber 2 key points:

    1 - Treat'em mean, keep'em keen
    2- Think long, think wrong.

    Good luck.
    BTW, mind letting us know how old u r?
  13. gomi

    gomi Member

    be a man, bro. dont put her on a pedestal, move on.
  14. notnice2know

    notnice2know Well-Known Member

    I in the same situation as you, ibeen long time frens with this girl, and recently she has a bf and i wasnt aware of that until a couple days later, i have always been there for her wether its shopping, hitting da clubz n looking after her after she drank a few to many, mingling with her frens, going ova her place n meet her family, drive her everywhere, walk in the park with arms linked, pretyt much anything a girl cud want, yes i was jealouse that she had a bf, and what pisses me off was that i had to drive them both arnd to places, and one time i let out my anger but not directed at them but my chick fren knows im angry at their relationship, so yeh ive done everything i can, and her bf does nothing, n didnt show affectionate or a care.... so when i drop her bf home i told her str8 how i felt about her that i hve always liked her more then a fren, and she was surprised and she also told me that she did once liked me too but what kept me back was when i told her when i frist met her that i wasnt looking but also added that who knows ' what comes arnd , goes arnd' so anyways i asked her if she likes me now and she sed she doesnt want to talk about it, cas she felt i told her i wanna know she i can move on n not think to much but then we talked about dating 'best frens' that if me n her were to date n sometime breakup, that frenship wont be the same eva agen, so i decided to stay as best frens cas i rather stay as frens cas we been thru alot n i dont wanna eva break it up, but yeh i felt so much better telling her that and i can move on, so in ur situation i think its best u talk about it and if u really are good frens , ask urself if u dated n some how u break up, wud it be the same ? but yeh thats my 2cents ^_~
  15. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    Is that you, Edison Chen?

    Get in on that pussy, brah!
  16. mzjenn

    mzjenn Member

    tell her straight up that you care about her and will do anything for her..... do what you want to do ... dont let things go in your way
  17. mzjenn

    mzjenn Member

    i felt the same way before...... there is jealous and hatred towards that person... if you told her straight up just to make sure if she is treating you as a best friend or just more than a friend..... you will never know whats going on until you go up to her. but think about this....

    thru my experience me and my bf and a third person.... it hurts to hold in everything and yet it might break the relationship thru you and that girl or that girl to her current bf.
  18. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    dude ... if you are that horny, just tell her, "do me or the slavery stops!" and actually stop being her slave if it bothers you so much. you'll only drive yourself nuts if you continue to wonder why him and not you?
    Here's some suggestions to that ques:
    1) because you come running when she calls?
    2) because you are butt ugly?
    3) because you are a dumb butt?
  19. Tiger King

    Tiger King Well-Known Member


    My man's on the money