Girlfriend Going to See Another Guy in Another Country for 2 Weeks

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by Nirvania, Jun 10, 2012.

  1. Nirvania

    Nirvania I'm BRACK!?

    Haven't been for PA for so long but I'm really stumped and I need some help. So here is the story:

    I have been with my current girlfriend for 2 years. The guy is in Toronto, CA. They met online on Counter-Strike 3 years before we started dating (total 5 years ago). Apparently they talk about everything together but have never really met. She tells me he has a terminal illness and that she promised that she would visit him one day. I do feel sorry for the guy though he has a completely dysfunctional family and his mother recently passed. He is depressed/suicidal and work seek professional help. My gf is really caring and she feels that it is her duty to help this guy all means possible.

    However, I still have a bad feeling about this. After all, she is going to see another guy alone in another country for 2 whole weeks. She already purchased the plane ticket without discussing it with me so there really is nothing I can do about it.

    So yeah, what do you guys think?
  2. slaser

    slaser Well-Known Member


    buy a ticket and join her.
  3. Nirvania

    Nirvania I'm BRACK!?

    That's not a feasible option. I already have summer plans to work and take classes. In addition, I also cannot afford it. And to be honest, she could barely afford her ticket, yet she still went through with it. After buying the ticket, she only has $180 USD left in her bank account to spend. So I don't even know what she is going to last two weeks on $180
  4. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    wow u have a gf? when did u grow up lol..anyways i have been strughling these days and this gorl i met on cs 5 years ago is finally meeting mee...i hope she will like me because i cpuldnt show my feeelings towards her on the internet
  5. Ruoyi

    Ruoyi Well-Known Member

    LOLLL ^^^^
  6. Umm... I'm sorry but this is doddddgyyyyyyy... How can you go visit someone you've never met for twoooo whole weeks by yourself? If you cant go... Then tell her to bring a friend? Dangerous man...
  7. Take it from me i've been through a buncha lies like this.... she's gonna be bangin him.... dump her as soon as she leaves to see him
    tell her its either you or some jacko from the internet.... seriously hard decision for her? lol! this trap is so obvious how can you believe something outrageous as this?

    long time no see by the way :wiggle:

    she has no place to stay? no money?

    let me tell you something... if a guy can get a girl to sleep over at his place it means they are %90 going to fuck if he was confident enough
    .. She's probably fallen in love with him online and he's her soul mate and decided to meet.. Refund the damn plane ticket or get one yourself and go with her or just trash the thing in the garbage... the fact that she did it without letting you know is a dead giveaway... and why the hell is she being pressured by some bloke from the internet to fly over broke, no place to stay and meet up with them? im sorry man its simple... She's naive as fuck or shes playin you for a fool, give her the ultimatum and you know what? she's probably going to choose him.

    2 weeks to spend with some fucking random guy from the internet shes been chatting up long before she met you? shit is it even more obvious?
    #7 hadouken, Jun 10, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2012
  8. That's a tough situation to be in man... I'd say have a serious chat with her, let her know why you don't feel comfortable with this, and if she neglects you, then what Ang said. I feel for the poor guy with terminal illness, at the least, she should have invited you along, even if you can't go.
  9. evo4eternity

    evo4eternity Member

    ^ +1

    best of luck with your dilemma nirvania, hope everything works out in your favor!
  10. LMAO @ Angs huge caps.. BANGIN'!!

    shit forget banging.. make sure she doesn't get on that plane!!! First off, if she has never seen or met the guy, she has no busy going. It should strictly just be an internet thing. You don't know what kinda sickos are online manipulating little kids to meet up with them. Just for her own safety, she should NOT GO. Look at dude running around in Canada chopping dudes up and sending body parts.. they just caught him! she could be gone for 2 weeks and you won't be able to find her till a month later..

    Seriously be firm about this and let her know how much you care about her safety. She's has no business going there if she's never seen the guy.. plus spending all that money to go see him.. she is outta her mind. Tell her you'll both go and see him when you're done with summer work and actually have enough money saved up.

    A. If the guy's a psycho at least you can protect her.
    B. You guys can make it like a vacation if the guy does end up being shady.
    C. You guys won't be broke from the trip.

    To sum it all up.. DO NOT LET HER GO! show her how much you care and don't let her get on that plane. There is a bunch of sickos out there.. especially ones who play Counter Strike!! Come on it's Counter Strike.. that game is filled with bunch of racist, drunk, drug addict kids on there with nothing else better to do with their time.
  11. Nirvania

    Nirvania I'm BRACK!?

    Hey everyone! Thank you for all the replies but I need to make some things clear. We already spoke about the whole situation calmly awhile back and there is really no changing her mind. We (along with a really good mutual friend of ours talked to her about the safety issue, etc). But she is indeed really good friends with this guy (they Skype frequently) and so yeah.

    Also, she said she will be staying at a Hostel. I don't know much about those. I know there a bunch of Torontonians here so what are those like? But yeah, I guess this is more of a rant than asking for advice. Thank you everyone's replies. Nice to see people from the good old days are still around after 5 years.

    Shoutouts to Ecko, Ang, Evil_Mui, and Kdotc (still a d-bag:bowdown:)!
  12. LMAo... @shout out to kdotc.. :facepalm:

    well I guess there's much left for us to do.. hope everything'll turn out alright. Keep up posted
  13. slaser

    slaser Well-Known Member

    "Misplace" her travel documents.
  14. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    It's a bad idea, how sure are you that he's actually terminally ill, even if he is that sick, he might still want to take that opportunity and use his illness and try to sleep with your GF. Your GF may know her for a long time and chatted a lot but still, she doesn't really know him. Is she easy to convince or gullible. She might just feel sorry for him and bang him out of sympathy and stuff.

    Let us know what happens when she comes back, see if you can tell by her body language and speech if she's lying.
  15. Damn where my shout out at? :trollface:
  16. Hartia

    Hartia Well-Known Member

    Since when was ecko from TO?......All he ever does is stay on SC2.

    If she's going to TO, i'd be more concern for her safety due to the number of murders that have happened this year......okay bad joke

    But yeah the whole met online thing......idk, it still seems a bit creepy, things don't work out like in the movies. It obv would be best if you went with her, and yeah i read what you said about it;s not feasible. If she really is faithful then well....i suppose you can tell. I highly doubt anything would happen, but its whether he would go do something. Lol.....i asked this girl in Cali if she would visit me if i'm on my deathbed cuz she's all i needed and she said 7 years ago. stopped talking to her, i dont play CS, so nope ain't me.

    It most likely IS kdot......or Jeff......
  17. You did what? Lmao.

    Anyway, OP, I guess I'm just repeating what everyone else has said, but I would seriously reconsider the near-future, if you've explicitly expressed your concerns to her, and she still goes through with it.
  18. Nirvania

    Nirvania I'm BRACK!?

    haha, its not Kdot cause I know what he looks like. And Dan I don't remember you. I had to work out who was who because everyone changed their name.
  19. infernochaoz

    infernochaoz Well-Known Member

    No offense towards you or your girlfriend, but either she is very gullible or she is just way too nice. I would never let my girlfriend go to another country to see another person that she has never met. Seeing it from your perspective, I hope you talk it out with her cause it is a very risky move on her part to go see someone she never met. This may be a far fetch'd argument, but there are always online sexual predators :x

    Just have a good conversation with her about the risks and how it make you uncomfortable!
  20. Sorry to hear your bad situation.... There is absolutely nothing stopping her from doing what she has clearly decided so either you trust her or if you can't when can you really?