Girls, do u mind if ur boyfriend is ugly? Cuz i always heard my "girl" friends say only matter in the inside.
man girls want 帥 guys, so they make everyone jealous, i mean whod wanna go out with a ugly guy unless he was really rich or something, so Yes, Appearance does matter ^^
-noclue You believe that bullshiz coming from them? There is a reason why hot guys get more girls and (most) they turn 4 everytime one notices them... And i suppose it depends on the ranking scale for example: If you are a 5, a girl with that is a 7 might consider you but a girl who is an 8, a bit of a stretch and 9-10 wouldn't want to be seen dating you, (unless you have other "qualities"). but of course you can get alll the 1-5 you want
lol (other qualities would have to be Stinking Rich or REALLY GOOD IN BED)。 anyway someone u walk down the street and u see a Really Hot chick and some 'number 1-6 guy and u wonder why ...... =P
I remember seeing this craiglist ad, although this could have been fake, about some woman who thought she was beautiful and was looking for someone really well-off. Some guy responded saying her looks will not get any better and will gradually get worse or something like that, while his bank will gradually increase. Anyway, my point is appearance only goes so far, and although it's the first thing you notice about someone, i doubt it should be the deciding factor whether you choose to be with them or not I've seen a lot of people and wondered, "how the hell did he/she get that guy/girl?"
appearance is always important no matter what. our society just makes us feel guilty when we express this so we try to make ourselves believe that it's only the inside that counts.
It depends on the girls some girls only go to for looks some girls dont care at all there is no one answer, because everyone is different. like me, i dont care about looks, but it is a added bonus
ye it depends on each person, though bearing in mind everybody will grow old, i think personality would be of a greater importance.
well....... or we can be like george clooney! SMOKING HOT girlfriend money....... will always come out on top..... but for the average guy, yes personality is key
i dont believe in ugly girls/guys (no homo). a girl is a girl or a guy is a guy. she/he can be an ugly duckling in some parts, but......she/he can also be an angel in other parts. but like some of u said, most girls look for talented, rich, pretty, long penises, tall guys....and tat's the reality.
it's all the whole package... but i do think... if u dunno the person first moment.... then the appearance is definitely important (it's the first impression that some1 gives you). when knowing some1 better, then you can say... i fell for the inside.
i'm just wondering what if your boyfriend was really good looking but he sucked in bed, would you still be with him?
Of course looks matter. You have to be attracted to the person before you'll go out with them. And attraction is initially based on looks. Is it everything? No. Does it matter? Yes!
lol so the final answer is that appearance matters because of ,looks or Personality because if u 2 arent happy , looks dont matter anymore