Girls Don't Like Guys With Glasses?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by madlyinlove, Aug 2, 2006.

  1. madlyinlove

    madlyinlove Active Member

    Well, I have a friend who was seeing this girl. They were together for about 3 weeks and then his eyes went bad and he got glasses. T.T
    Then like a few days later she breaks up with him.
    Yeah he got dumped!

    Anyway, he was suspicious that it might be that with his glasses he looks like a geek and she got turned off. Now he is all depressed.
    I'm about to get glasses soon too so now I'm kind of worried. What do you girls think? Are guys with glasses a turnoff?
  2. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    that girl is a biatch...i look good with glasses so it aiight
  3. jm3

    jm3 Well-Known Member

    There is absolutely no relationship in your observation what so ever. The fact that your relationship has ended can be attributed to other hinden rationalities (which most likely she would not have told you) But for certain, the fact that you got a pair of glass (out of neccessities) is not the reason why a person would end a relationship. Having said that, would you REALLY want to continue with a person that is so shallow and aesthetically bound???
  4. can u honestly say ur friend is a much much much much much better looking guy without the glasses?? if not then i doubt that's the reason

    personally i LOVE guys with glasses (unless they r wearing Harry Potter glasses)... i think it makes them look more sophisticated and intelligent
  5. shy

    shy Well-Known Member

    If your friend's girlfriend dumped him because he got glasses, then he should be glad she dumped him because she ain't worth it, and he should be glad he didn't waste any more time with her.

    In any event, it may not even be the glasses. It could just be a coincidence.
  6. taichi_masta

    taichi_masta Well-Known Member

    what kinda asian person doesn't have glasses?!? Glasses are like the symbol of asianality!

    He probably dumped her when he actually saw her clearly...=P
  7. cyta

    cyta Member

    i dunno about glasses.... i wear glasses..... and contacts
    when i was in ele school i had girls liking me....
    started wearing them since gr 4 or 6
    but im gr 11 going to 12 now ahaha and i wear contacts when going out
    i just wear glasses at home

    and how come guys dont wear colour contacts that much??
    i wear green contacts and im cool ^^
  8. suijei

    suijei Well-Known Member

    I don't think that's the reason they broke up, then again maybe she really is THAT shallow. In any case, I don't think glasses is a problem unless well, it makes that specific person look bad, and if it does, then they must not have been that good looking in the first place. So..what's the difference? -lol
  9. hkm91450

    hkm91450 Well-Known Member

    Personally, I like guys with glasses - especially those thick glasses that hk guys wear or thin rimmed ones. It's so hot, it makes a guy look so smart and equally hides his naughty side, like we have to imagine how bad he really is :p

    I wouldn't dump a guy with glasses, unless of course they were hideous coke-bottle glasses, like grandpa glasses.
  10. tamagodaisuki

    wearing glasses shouldn't change the way a person looks that much, right? Your friend's ex should have know there's contacts in this world if she really disliked your friend wearing glasses.
  11. Theres nothing wrong with glasses!! :p

    And they could actually improve the look!!
    *Go to Specksavers!!* LoL

    Nah...just get some that suit ya face shape!! ;)
    Ho smart ar!! ;)
  12. aussiekid

    aussiekid Well-Known Member

    harrrrrrr.. the girl is lil bit stupid or wat? u sure it's bcoz of the glasses?
    i find some of my guy frens wearing glasses.. very cute n adorable.. but of course with those right glasses (design color etc) suiting the face.
  13. awwaves4ever

    awwaves4ever Well-Known Member

    lol I feel like I'm in a forum full of nerd/geek lovers. EXCELLENT! -cool
  14. suijei

    suijei Well-Known Member

    well, what do you want, we're on the internet afterall...-lol
  15. peachey

    peachey Well-Known Member

    Just because I normally frequent the forums, doesn't mean I'm a geek, you know. -whistle :p

    But regarding the topic, I think some guys look cute with glasses! But if it worries you so much, why not just opt for contacts instead?
  16. glitterysky

    glitterysky Member

    That's a pathetic reason to dump someone. So shallow! I really don't care much if a guy wears glasses or not. Personality over looks!
  17. ms-jojo

    ms-jojo Well-Known Member

    some guys can look totally HOT in glasses. actually, i think a lot of guys look better in glasses.
    and wth's with that girl? who would dump someone over such a little thing? like glitterysky said, "Personality over looks!"
  18. i really doubt she dumped him for the glasses... i think she wanted to break it off before he got them... but didn't get a chance to till after he got his spectacles
  19. twinkie

    twinkie Member

    get contacts in that case. but then again some ppl look waaaaay hotter with glasses.
  20. _Nightwish_

    _Nightwish_ Well-Known Member


    I totally agree with you. And if the guy got glasses they can use contact lences too...glasses or without glasses...if there´s love that wouldn´t be a matter :)