okay, so I'm pretty sure that at one point in life, you've been asked by a guy for your phone number. Yes?? (if not, don't worry...u will soon!) and because you might feel uncomfortable or you think its too fast..and you wanna reject... how do u answer them?!?! How would you respond to make them feel like you wanna be friends..and not just.. *click* right away so fast?
i remember my first time haha i did the dumbest things in high school...lke dress up as santa claus and go their door on christmas eve... boy did that make me feel like a loser..Lol
If it's a stranger, I give a fake number and hope I will never see him again. If it's somebody you just wanna be friends with, why don't you give it to him? If you're friends, are one point you're gonna call each other <_< ?
I remember back when I was in 8th grade, this guy, whom I've never seen before, asked me for my phone number @ the mall. I think he was a junior/senior in high school. Anyways, I was stupid enough to say that I didn't have a home phone, but of course he questioned it... so I just told him I lied & that I wasn't interested. Another guy asked me for my phone number while I was @ work talking on my cell phone. I told him I didn't have a phone... AGAIN! As you can see, I'm not the brightest out there. Nowadays, if guys ask me for my number, I just give them my guy friends' numbers.