Hi everyone just posting to see if anyone plays golf in this forum and if yes are you guys struggling with hitting a golf ball?
1. make sure you're having correct vision while playing (contacts, glasses, w/e makes you closest to 20/20) 2. practice. 3. Practice. If you just can't hit the ball, maybe you're just have not so good hand/eye coordination. some people are like that.
yeah like everything practise, and also the technique, make sure your holding club properly, swinging properly etc. havent been to golfing range for a while, but it wasnt too hard to learn
Most probably hitting technique, Although I've never played golf before rich peoples sport >.<, Im pretty sure that technique is the most important in golf.
Hitting the ball isn't the issue, it's how accurate you hit the ball to get to the point where you want the ball to get to. I don't practice at all, I just hit it when I go TopGolf to hope for the best and when I play with my mum at a normal golf course I fluke it and naturally I do play well without any practices but I already got the technique that I was taught by my parents when I was a lot younger. Btw I don't play golf at all, I just like swinging the golf clubs around in the house or in the garden when I get utterly bored lol