Gordon Liu's Second Wife Denies All Accusations

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by b-lee, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ


    In August 2011, martial arts actor, Gordon Liu (劉家輝), experienced a stroke and had to undergo extensive physical therapy. Unfortunately, Gordon has been plagued by financial disagreements with his family and former assistant during his recuperation. Most of it involved his second wife of Thai descent, Ma Feifeng (馬飛鳳), and their son and daughter. Tabloids stated that they ignored Gordon’s health condition, and was only interested in his money.

    In fact, rumors had it that Gordon’s family pried open the drawers and floorboards in his room to see if he has left any valuables.

    Earlier, Ma Feifeng could no longer withstand the media’s reports and accepted an interview to refute them all. “Last year when I returned to Hong Kong, I saw that the floorboards and walls were becoming moldy due to the humidity, so I told my son to fix it. My daughter even told me to make the place look like a palace to welcome the king (Gordon) home.” Ma Feifeng feels helpless that their renovation was written as making trouble and jacking money instead.

    “There were rumors which claimed I had asked for a divorce after Gordon’s stroke in order to divide the financial property. In reality, it was Gordon’s side that suggested this. I did not even ask for a cent from him. Afterwards, they could not hand over the proof for Gordon’s psychological condition, and we finally decided to suspend the divorce. So at this moment, I am still Gordon Liu’s wife!” Ma Feifeng exclaimed.

    Yesterday, there was word that Gordon looked emaciated and had already written a will. Worried about her husband’s condition, Ma Feifeng expressed, “Of course he is unhappy not to see his son and daughter. We did so much work just to hope that they can visit him, but there has been no response. What is going on? We are all very worried!”

    In regards to how Gordon has already established his will, Ma Feifeng said that her wish is for her son and daughter to be able to see their father. She did not care about other matters at the moment.

    Creds: Oriental Daily