Grace Wong Announces Engagement After 11 Years of Dating

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by Phoenix, Nov 22, 2016.

  1. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

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    30 year old artist Grace Wong (王君馨) announces her engagement after 11 years of dating with her boyfriend Daniel Chang, who is a not a member of the entertainment industry.

    Having accepted an interview with Oriental Daily, she revealed that they have applied for their wedding date at the registry office a few days ago and have received many well wishes and blessings so far. She will announce the news properly and officially online once things are less hectic as she is currently busy with filming.

    "After experiencing 11 years of ups and downs, Daniel and I are finally ready to take the next step of our lives. We are engaged! Thank you to our friends and family who has played a part in our lives by supporting us and giving us love. Thank you for everyone's blessings! Daniel is ultimately not part of the industry so I hope that our media friends can give us a little bit of space. Thanks!"

    Grace's 'sisters' was also contacted in light of the happy news. Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣) expressed her happiness for Grace: "Super Happy for my sister!"

    Christine Kuo (苟芸慧) and Eliza Sam (岑麗香) also gave their blessings, whilst Christine revealed that she doesn't waiting for her time of happiness to come and exclaimed once all her sisters are happily married, then it will be just about the right time for her.

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    cred: oncc
    #1 Phoenix, Nov 22, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2016
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  2. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

    Congrats to her!
  3. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Honestly didnt even know she was dating
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