GT5 update

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by Bulla, Nov 1, 2011.

  1. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    So what's it like, i saw a bit of it and it looks pretty hot , not to sure about the interior views on the inferior cars, are they any good?
  2. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    get the fucking game already son :facepalm:+:facepalm: its like 30 bux!!!!
  3. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    yeah but you are forgetting the price of a ps3, i had a dream i got a ps3 too a few days back, i got GT5 lol :laugh:

    but i want a 3ds first cus of MK7 and xbox is getting youtube and stuff like that finally so i dont need a p3 for that. i cant get a p-s-tripple for one game-unsure
  4. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    why do u need youtube on xbox?
  5. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    doesnt ps3 have it too?

    Its for people like myself who have NO tv reception to watch stuff on things like youtube or BBCi or 4oD etc etc without using an electric hungry PC all the time. I was going to get an Acer Revo for this but there is no point if the xbox can do it. update comes out on the 25th of this month.

    When i move to my next place early next year ill make sure i have TV reception >.<
  6. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    dude ps3 has a motherfucking browser :facepalm: that is nothing! lol either get it or stop wondering about it! Forget about gt5 and move on brah! Btw xbox has media server feature well unless you dont have wifi connector (old xbox) lmaoo...